Week Six - Reflections

  • 27 replies
  • 44 subscribers

Hey everyone,

Well on Wednesday I successfully completed my 28 days of treatment - after what was the toughest week so far - I was amazed that we (my husband has been my rock throughout) had done it!!!  

Last weekend wasn't like the others - instead of feeling better from it being treatment free, I found myself in bed all weekend and then on Monday morning when I went downstairs to take my chemo I nearly fainted - I started week six with a call to the 24 hour advice like, half hoping they'd be like, honestly 25 days is just fine...we just do these 3 days as a why not, just in case so it's fine and dandy if you don't want to bother lol.  But all I could think was that I've made it this far, and that I'd never forgive myself if I didn't complete the treatment....  So I cracked on - slow and steady and fortunately with my hubby at my side. 

So for this week's reflections I'm going to use The Good, The Bad and The Ugly.

  • The Good: once the pooping is done and I've recovered I am feeling much more myself.  Like I feel like I am back... I mean I'm still taking it very easy, bed rest really but I spoke to a friend for 90 minutes and it wasn't a pity party.  I've been eating fruit and yoghurt for breakfast, chicken, olives and sweet spud for lunch and a light dinner (toast or rice crackers).  Thursday I had a really good day, it got my hopes up and reminded me that the end is in sight!  I'm on it re pain management, I set my alarm and at 7.30 this morning I took my morphine and paracetamol - to help with what's to come. 
  • The Bad: TMI warning!  So I'm using a towel now under my bum at all times - as my preferred approach is to let it air as much as possible.  There is gunk - from both my bottom and vagina, apparently as to be expected.  I've been warned not to worry as long as it doesn't smell - all good so far.  I'm also finding the after bowel movement (BM) routine tiresome but very necessary.  After a BM, when I'm ready, I'll pat lightly with a water wipe and then sit in the sitz bath to aid recovery and help clean. I then towel pat, then use toilet paper to get into the nooks, before applying my Flaminal Forte to the sore bits (still really just my bum hole) and then I apply coconut oil to the rest.  Obviously throughout I'm washing my hands.  And then honestly, I can finish up and then need another BM and I want to scream!  I've nearly gone through my first tube of flaminal forte (I ordered and paid for my own) second tube has arrived - it's so worth it though!!
  • The Ugly - so my BM last week were excruciating because of internal pain - the pooping glass feeling that I know others have experienced, made worse because in hindsight, I realised I was constipated - passing BMs six times day.... This week, I had two days grace where BM were just uncomfortable, a very welcome relief.  And then they became excruciating again, this time due to external pain, the soreness around the exit (so to speak).  Unfortunately, I'm left pretty drained afterwards and with a throbbing bottom - however with stool softener and eating fruit, I'm going up to three times rather than six - and that's really helpful.  I must admit I dread going to the loo, however it's over pretty quickly and I can take it easy afterwards. I distract myself during my talking to myself - encouraging words of what were going to do next whilst taking my time. Afterwards when I'm back in bed, I play solitaire on my phone....and the pain passes. 

Mentally, I'm still anxious about how bad are things going to get... as if I'm honest, I feel like so far I've been pretty fortunate.  Has the coconut oil been some kind of miracle worker at preventing my skin blistering or is that still to come as I'm only 4 days out of treatment and radiotherapy peaks at 7 to 10 days after treatment ends (Thanks Google).  And whilst there have been tears, there has also been laughter this week - I even painted my nails yesterday!!! 

Physically, I'm taking it very easy and watching box sets galore.....I'm pretty much sticking to being in bed for now - it's where I'm most comfortable and it's nearest to the bathroom!  Because I'm doing as little as possible I've not noticed if I'm exhausted, although I'm no longer needing a nap!  I'm dreaming about being able to swimming, walking the dog, doing some yoga, using my cross-trainer - I know I will need to take it very easy...  But there's hope and excitement about soon being able to get back into living and loving life again.

So there you go - my week six update - I wanted to say thank you to everyone who gave me advice this last week - anxiety about what's to come is probably the biggest hurdle for me! Overthinking symptoms that I haven't even got.   I have to remind myself to deal with the here and now... The pain passes. Things will get better.....I'm nearly there.  Coconut oil could be a miracle worker - as is good pain management.

Right I'll stop waffling on.  This community has meant the world to me and again thank you to everyone for all your support and advice, this week and the many weeks before!

Lots of love



  • Hi Mrs Badass

    Well done on getting to the end of treatment. Sounds like you have a very supportive husband. I can relate to the towel I had a bath towel wrapped round me almost permanently at the end. You shouldn't have to pay for your creams, ask the hospital to post them out to you mine did. Now just rest and heal and be kind to yourself. Sending hugs. Xx

  • Thanks   I'm receiving treatment at the Royal Berkshire Hospital - and they've been truly amazing but they didn't have Flaminal Forte on their prescription options.  I'd read others on here recommending it as the best cream to use so it's a small price to pay.... 

    From your experience, did things continue to get worse for those first 7 to 10 days after treatment ended? And if so, would you mind sharing how? 

    Thanks for all your support xx 

  • Hi Ali it seems to me you have everything in control and prepared for the next challenge during recovery. I know we all react differently and a lot depends on where the exact tumour was I suppose. Mine was very near the internal sphincter and after passing a rather large stool it caused a fissure. This was about a week after my treatment was finished and it’s usually the sphincter that causes the painful stools. Also I can so much relate to the constant visits to the loo and also just to pass urine. I ended up sleeping in the spare room so as to not disturb my husband and would get up do the necessary and clean up and get back in bed and half an hour later I would have to start again. I was lucky I had no blisters externally but was very inflamed internally and vaginally. In fact it was full of green pus (which I was told after checkups it was normal) and would have to pull my labia apart to stop it sticking and I’m not saying this to frighten people I’m just saying it can happen to some of us. My anus has been on fire and so grateful for morphine plus paracetamol and ibuprofen. Instagel did nothing for me but did use domeboro powders which helped soothe soreness. Amazon was my saviour even though half the stuff I couldn’t use due to stinging. I am three and a half years post treatment and I’m past all the pains but still occasionally get sore due to having more than enough bowel movements like yesterday after eating homemade chickpea and cauliflower curry but sort of worth it. 
    one thing I did religiously was pelvic floor exercises and pelvic stretches as treatment does affect your bones and try and keep as supple as you can. I also would hover over the toilet holding it for as long as I could to try and strengthen my sphincter muscles. It takes time and you are very very early days but will get there as I feel you have the right attitude 


  • Ah thanks Julie  for taking the time to respond.  I've literally just done a BM, cleaned up, sitz bath than had to do another BM, clean up, sitz bath and then the Forte gel!!  I'm now relaxing on the bed and ready for some paracetamol!!!  

    Ha before treatment I had this amazing goat curry - but boy did I pay for it lol.  I am predominantly plant based so your curry also sounds devine..... 

    Yeah I'm hoping that because I took care of my skin before and during treatment, that I might not suffer too badly with the burns/blisters - it's just not knowing what you are doing to wake-up to that's challenging.  

    A good shout re vagina care - I've been applying coconut oil externally, religiously - naturally antibacterial but I have definitely noticed that I'm getting the gunk.  I will be sure to start using the dilators when I'm ready and I have oestrogen pessaries for when I start back on my HRT - which will be once I stop the morphine. 

    Thank you again for caring enough to share, especially when you are so far out of treatment.  The practical advice re pelvic exercise and clinching the sphincter is appropriated.  My tumor is attached to my initial sphincter too!  

    Enjoy your weekend and thanks again Pray



  • Ali

    You really are doing all the right things to help yourself and I am really hopeful that you may have seen the worst of the sores - everyone's experience can be slightly different.

    And thank you for telling it as it is.  I feel strongly that it is disingenuous to sugarcoat the treatment and side effects and by being honest, other forum users can learn from what you did to get through.  And it is also encouraging to know the painful side effects are par for the course and that they do pass, it is just getting there that is hard!

    My husband was my hero too, not once have I been to an appointment without him (once the Covid restrictions were lifted).  But even then, he would be sitting in the car park listening to the consultations and asking questions.  There are a quite a few on here who have gone through this on their own which takes my breath away, but they have been so brave and stoical.

    And keep dreaming about walking your dog again!  My main exercise is a long walk with mine every day and I just love her, she makes our world a better place.

    And you don't waffle!

    Irene xxx

  • Thanks  

    Honestly before treatment began I was a member of two Facebook groups and I was terrified by some of the "experiences" I read on there and then someone reminded me that:

    1. Everyone's experience is unique to them - because we all different 
    2. You don't get the whole picture, their age, their life style choices, or know of any other health conditions 
    3. Not everyone shares so you are only getting a limited view - one group which I've now left, felt like they focused on the worst and anyone who didn't have such a challenging time weren't very welcomed. 

    So I do hope my reflections will help those that want a more balanced view about my experience - I was literally saying to my hubby, that today it feels like my bum is on fire Fire - but if I forget that - the rest of me, physically and mentally feels great!!!  Hoping the morphine and paracetamol will help put the flames out..

    And yes - I'm amazed at how many people go through this treatment and their circumstances, on their own, 20 years younger or older than me, with other health conditions......it's a very humbling experience that's for sure.

    I love your reflections and the advice you share...  Have you thought about becoming a community champion?  I mean to me, you already are!

    Enjoy your weekend 

    Love Ali 

  • Hi Mrs Badass

    I find it bizarre how all the hospitals are different. Happy to share although from reading other people's experiences I think I got of lightly. I got worse the Saturday before my last 3 days of treatment almost overnight. I had a mucous avalanche from my bottom so much that the hospital gave me nappies Joy to get to and from the hospital and i had a bath towel round me at home. My poos were like razor blades dipped in acid. Until that point pooing had been uncomfortable but not really painful my main issue had been burns around the tops of my legs which made walking uncomfortable. I don't feel I got any worse after that. I can't remember the exact timescale ( should have kept a diary) but by 2/2.5 weeks after treatment I was pretty good. I think it was about 8 days after treatment finished that my poos stopped hurting again it was an instant thing 1 poo hurt the next 1 didn't and its stayed like that they went black one day and I had some blood when wiping one day. The same with my burns which was a few days after the poos stopped hurting, one day walking like john Wayne the next normal. I will be 3 months post on the 6th February I've had a follow through Trump and a couple of accidents the worst one being the day after the oncologist gave me an internal exam at about 2 months post which didn't hurt but obviously irritated something. The only thing that's got worse for me is my mental health don't seem to be coping with things as well as I normally would, but I think maybe it's cause I went to treatment by myself everyday which was my choice and maybe its all catching up with me now. I think I've covered everything although I've rambled. Sending hugs. Xx

  • Forgot to say, I'm still wearing boy pants and living in gym pants as my new skin is quite sensitive. I've also had no problems with the dilators apart from dreading using them the first time. X

  • Oh   thank you so much for sharing more about your journey - I'm sorry if by doing so that brought I'm challenging memories.  

    I hear you on the mental health aspect - I just had a catch up with my parents and we all had a cry....I think I'll reach out for some therapy at some point for sure.  I'm conscious of how much we give of ourselves to be brave, and it feels like it's just bubbling away beneath the surface.

    Do take care and seek professional support if you feel it would help.  This is an epic, challenging, painful and life changing journey - physically and mentally we take a battering that only a few understand.

    Stay in touch 

    Ali xx