Treatment done - what to expect now?

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  • 42 subscribers

Hey all

So the last 10 days of treatment my poops were excruciating. I finished treatment yesterday and my poops in the last 24 hours have been painful but definitely not excruciating.  What do you think - are they going to get worse again? 

I've started using Flaminal Forte this week and so far the soreness is immediately around my anus and in the bum cheeks.  I'm continuing to use coconut oil everywhere else - and appreciate that the skin in those areas will continue to break down as the radiation continues to have an effect.

It's nearly 9.30 am and I've yet to do any business as I'm too anxious about how much it's going to hurt!  The anxiety is unreal after feeling so much better for not having excruciating poops in the last 24 hours. 

Be interested to hear your thoughts and advice. 

Thanks Pray 

Ali xoxo 

  • Hi Ali I think it’s understandable how you are feeling. The relief of not opening the bowels we know is going to end at some point. Make sure you take a stool softener and sit in your sitz bath. You might even need to sit in it whilst you are going. I used to try and kind of take myself in my head somewhere else when I knew what pain was to come and sing as loud as I could in my head and it kind of helped at then immediately passed. Soft stools are so much better than hard ones that double the discomfort and you risk fissures which unfortunately I got when I didn’t take sufficient stool softeners whilst on morphine. I’m afraid morphine became my best friend and when treatment stops you can 100% concentrate on healing and getting back to normal. 

  • Ali

    No one can spare you the painful poops, sadly, but as Jaycee12 says, going in the Sitzbath in lukewarm water is slightly less painful.  Keep them very soft, too, now that you have finished treatment  and are just on opioids everything is very sluggish and constipation is common.

    I am hoping you have 'gone' by now and it wasn't as bad as you expected - and remember to use the Instagel first in any case.

    I hope you are getting lots of healing rest and relaxation, Ali.  Don't rush into doing anything taxing too soon, you need to recover.

    Gentle healing hug

    Irene xx

  • Honestly  I wish I could give you a massive hug - you are wonderful. 

    So my poops are still painful but not excruciating.  The only soreness I've got at the moment is the internal (still feels like something is nibbling away) and externally around my bum hole.  I've started using flaminal forte on that and continuing to use coconut oil on the rest (frequently).... 

    I know everyone is different and it feels like I'm very lucky so far - I'm just struggling with not knowing how bad it's going to get. The last 10 days were hideous and I'm praying that I whilst the next two weeks are going to be painful, maybe it won't be as bad?? 

    And yes I'm 100% resting up and taking it easy - very fortunate that I have a husband at home that is caring.  Feel totally blessed.

    Anyway, thanks again   it's so kind of you to take the time and respond to everyone with your own experience and support. 

    Lots of love

    Ali xoxo 

  • Hi Ali

    I  can only go from my experience with regards to the painful poos and the bottom fluttering. It definitely didn't get worse, they changed overnight one day painful next day fine. I still dreaded going for a while in case it went backwards but it hasn't. They go back and forth in terms of being more normal to look at or being stringey. They also went black for a couple of days and I had one day I had blood when wiping. Sorry if that's to much information. I also found in the early days after that the time of day I would go changed about every couple of days. My skin didn't get worse either but that was a more gradual improvement. Sending hugs. Xx

  • Thank you thank you thank you   - really appreciate you sharing with honesty - definitely not TMI. 

    I couldn't believe it when my BM yesterday was just painful and didn't require me to shout n scream.  And today has been okay too and I'm got myself anxious as you can probably tell about what's to come...  so reading about your experience is really helpful - thank you.

    How are you doing now?

    Ali xoxo

  • Hi Ali

    I think the fear of what may come is worse than the actual sometimes. I used to do some weird squatting up and down and sometimes just stand and straddle the loo let gravity do its thing. I think I'm doing relatively well in terms of recovery, still not normal but if this is my new normal its not the end of the world but I'm hopeful it will improve as its early days. I find I let things bother me that normally wouldn't (my neighbour post) it's like my brain can't handle anything else at the moment. I had a milestone moment at the gym on Tuesday and lifted 100kg so only 17.5kg to add to be back where I was pre treatment, it made me feel really good like I'm coming back if that makes sense. Xx

  • Hi..

    First want to say massive well done for getting through your treatment..

    Sounds horrid your last 10 days.. I do hope youvhave managed to poop today without it causing too much pain and I hope the next few weeks are good to you..

    I'm only 10 days in and my bowel movements over the past 48 hours have been explosive to say the least..I think I have piles on top of my piles!!!!

    I have taken a couple of the tablets the hospital gave me but everything at the moment just comes straight out.. I remember someone on this forum said try to stick to bland food which I'm trying ..hopefully i can have a weekend not spent on the loo..

    Wishing you all the very best on your recovery x


  • Hi Squeak, I highly recommend you eat a very simple diet and try and avoid chocolate and sugar. I know it gives us a high but it really is bad for an already irritated gut. I was put on a FODMAP diet for 12 weeks but it really was a game changer. Remember what goes in has to come out! I virtually lived on chicken, fish and fresh green beans and sweet potatoes roasted in my ninja foodie. Then I would maybe have some yogurt with a few raisins. Coffee is also an irritant and I love my coffee. I had decaf and restricted to three a day and lacto milk. Plan your meals that look comforting and a food diary helps. Alcohol was a big no no for me and I reduced bowel movement from about eight a day to two. I am still watching certain foods and can have them but I moderate. I am 3 and a half years post treatment and doing great. You will get there 


  • Hi  

    Wow 10 days done and dusted - well done!  

    My BMs were all over the place too - I stopped eating meals and started eating toast, jelly babies and bananas (not all at the same time).  Mornings were particularly bad.  And then week 4 I think looking back I was constipated and that made the pooping experience more painful - mentally I just didn't want to poop but on reflection I should have taken the stool softener/laxative. 

    Pooping is back to being painful - which is bearable although I am on liquid morphine and paracetamol...  I've just had a 10 minute soak in the bath which gave me some relief. 

    I religiously used organic coconut oil throughout treatment to moisturise my skin (not before radiation) and whilst it's early days - my skin appears to be holding up relatively well.  Very sore around my bum hole (TMI) but that's it at present - I am of course expecting it to get worse.

    Look after yourself...  And thanks for the well wishes.  Enjoy the weekend off!!! 

    Ali xoxo 

  • This is such fabulous advice  .  I found that during treatment I really struggled with a lack of appetite and I felt dizzy after passing some BM.  I can't wait to get back to a more nutritious diet and think that I'll never eat a jelly baby again in my life.

    Before my diagnosis I avoided gluten, dairy, soy and eggs as they all irritated my digestion.  

    I'm inspired by your post and will try and get some more nutrients into my diet to help with my healing.

    Thank you Pray