So confused, is it back again?

  • 1 reply
  • 38 subscribers

Hi, I had the chemo and radio treatment 4 years ago and got the all clear. In May this year I started excreting mucus so I was sent for a sygmoidoscopy and after that an MRI. I saw the oncologist 2 weeks ago who confirmed I have abnormal cells on the site where the cancer was. Offered the big op and a stoma bag but I have declined that. No reason at my age (78) to go down that road. However, I don't know what to expect now. Will the abnormal cells turn into cancer cells? When, and how, will I know if it happens? Is there a time scale? It's all very confusing. I briefly researched homeopathic stuff and came up with CPT about which I know the some total of nothing. Appreciate any info about what to expect and when. I'm not even sure if I have anal or rectal cancer. Possibly the former if there is any difference.

  • Hello,

    I hate to reply when I haven't got much to say, but I'm sure someone here will be along soon to help but I think you really need to get back to someone at the hospital who can give you some answers about your options. There might also be someone at Macmillan here who can point you in the right direction too.

    I wish you all the best