5 weeks post treatment!

  • 7 replies
  • 39 subscribers

Hi everyone! I’m 5 weeks post treatment, the first week was horrendous but then I started to turn the corner, and I’ve been using the lovely plastic pink friends!!! I’m on the 3rd size up now.  I’ve tried to have sex twice in the past 2 weeks but it’s way too painful still Disappointed relieved!  The past few days my side effects from treatment have started to return, mainly the pain of going for a wee?! Has anyone else had this?  My skin around my bikini line is growing back and looking healthy which I’m pleased about.  I’m also suffering with lots of hot flushes and night sweats has anyone else had these? I’m 48 so guessing the treatment has triggered the menopause? 

  • Wow you are doing great! Heart️ the hof flushes happened to me and I am well past menopause x but they have stopped! I am 8 weeks post treatment and finally feel more me - damage in different areas to you!  Take the time to repair well and have time for you x 


  • Thank you!!! I’m not very patient and just want to go back to normal but Rome wasn’t built in a day!! Glad the hot flushes will pass that’s one less thing!!! X

  • Hello Bosshogg

    I am really pleased that you are out the other side and things have improved.  If your loo symptoms don't improve I would get checked out to make sure that you don't have a urine infection which are apparently very common during and after radiotherapy.

    I was way past the menopause when I had treatment so that was one side effect I didn't have, fortunately but there are quite a few ladies on here in your age group, I am hoping they pick up on your post and help.

    Good luck with the pink plastic, apparently silicone ones are far more comfortable and easy to use!

    Irene  xx

  • Lovely to hear you're on the mend  .  I'm 49 and was already taking HRT before I started my treatment so can't offer any advice on the hot flushes/hot sweats I'm afraid.  However, I do think the treatment can trigger menopause.

  • Thank you, it’s nice to know others have been through the same as me! Did your side effects come and go or did they just fade away? 

  • Hi  

    Menopause/HRT side effects or general post treatment side effects?