What I can see?

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Hi personal question ane have called the cancer care Line as I am worried.   I am mid week six post treatment and everything is so much better, except my Vagina is very shallow and when checking for healing, as advised my by specialist nurse, I can see my Cervix aand I have discomfort if walking!  I mentioned it about 3 weeks ago and was told it would be ok - but it’s not changed.

Has anyone else had this happen and rectified itself? 
I should get a call back tomorrow so will update but getting worked up about it and know if anyone knows someone on here will Heart

Thank you Angie xx 

  • I had a feeling that this would be the case  , it’s shocking that you’re going to have to wait so long for an appointment though. 


  • Hey Nikki  - bad luck for me but fortunately I have access to my pension and have started  the contact with a private urogynaecology specialist consultant at a hospital near me and have the support of a GP at my surgery x  email and phone call (answerphone) Fridays and chasing from Monday!

    it’s a tragedy that emergency clinics for us with this type of issue don’t have funding! How many women are like me and have to get on with it straight after the side effects of chemo radio therapy! I feel almost broken but not quite xxx 

    Night and sorry about the rant x 

    Angie xx

  • Glad you found out what was wrong and were reassured - the thing about pelvic floor exercises is you can do them anywhere at any time, it is remembering to do them that is the difficult part!

    Irene xx

  • The reminders for meds have changed to exercise reminders, but getting sore.

    I wonder if others have had this experience as I thought it was treatment related but both radio and anal cancer nurses not able to even look or confirm which I felt very upset about sadly. 
    I feel when treatment is done that’s it and understand there is a long queue of others but I felt so grateful and happy I was not raw anymore then this has bashed confidence completely again x 

    Will update when any news for others to know if nothing else x 

    Keep smiling and hugs x