I’ve got 4 more radiotherapy sessions left and I’m really struggling with the pain down below! My bottom is incredible sore and my skin has now cracked, my lady bits are agony, sitting down, drying myself after going for a wee is so uncomfortable. Has anyone else had this problem? I’ve managed to deal with the treatment up until now but I really do not know how I’m going to get to the end of this week!! Any suggestions please I would be so very grateful x
Hi Bosshogg,
I was very much in this shape at this point, almost done with treatment but the last few felt like they stretched on beyond the horizon as every minute was a struggle.
Soft soft little pats to dry, or a hair dryer set on low. When I could, I wore a sarong with no undies and sat in the recliner with a towel under me and let my bits get some air flow. (Also outside, which was heaven, when I could do so without scaring people. Our place is pretty private.) Never got behind on my pain meds. Bathed in Epsom salts frequently. Take any opportunity to distract yourself.
All easier said than done, I know.
Just keep going. It's so hard, but feeling better is so close now compared to when you started treatment.
Thank you very much for your advice, I’ve taken to not wearing my undies while at home :-) it’s good to know it’s not just me and that there are others that have been in this situation - after my last 4 sessions will this pain and discomfort carry on for a while??? And how long will it take for me to get back to some kind of normal down there??? X
Nearly there woo hoo , I also have 4 sessions left
Im also suffering from 1 end to the other , when I wee I use water wipes these are brilliant to cleanse and also soothe as they are nice and cold and then dab with some squares of gauze I bought from amazon to dry
I often get on my bed with a fan facing my bits that also helps and as mentioned epsom salt baths 2 a day those 20 mins soaking are very soothing too
im using flamigel rt on my bikini line which is the newest affected area and have asked hubby to get me some boxer shorts tomorrow as the elastic in knickers is now bothering me , I have the polymem foam pads from the nurse which Im finding difficult to use as they seem to stick to areas ans cause pain ….ouch
im on codiene and paracetamol which help , im not a fan of oramorph makes me feel like a zombie
good luck , we can get through these next few weeks maybe with tears swear words and painkillers but we are nearly there xxx
Thank you Emz1976, you sound like you’re just the same as me!!! Great idea on the boxer shorts I shall give them ago too! I’m just taking paracetamol which takes the edge off slightly. I’m hoping it can’t get any worse then it is and this time next week we will be on the road to recovery I shall get some water wipes as suggested! Thanks again for the suggestions!! And knowing I’m not alone xx
You are not alone we can virtually hold each other hand through the next few weeks x
Im sitting down having some cornflakes trying to motivate myself to get up and dressed for todays treatment when all I want to do is lay on my bed with a fan on my undercarriage.
wishing you well for today lets get another 1 crossed off
Hi Bosshogg
This all sounds very familiar! Try to not wear any underwear whenever you can to get air to the areas. Water wipes are fab (but they can’t be flushed down the toilet) for cleaning yourself after the toilet. Apply all the gel ! I lay down rather than sitting while I was at home because that was more comfortable too. I was taking codeine at this point to manage pain so don’t be afraid to ask if you feel paracetamol isn’t enough. Codeine can make you constipated so you’ll need to manage that.
The first 2 weeks after treatment finished were the worst (it’s true when they say it gets worse before it gets better) and you’ll feel like there is no end in sight but … you’ll be surprised how quickly your skin will heal after this time.
I hope the final treatments go ok x
Thank you!! This has given me some kind of light at the end of the tunnel!!! I’ve picked some water wipes up so they will be used now!!
I’ve been given intraite gel, which I’ve used on my bottom but wasn’t sure if this can be used on my other parts???
I’ve been ok up until this weekend having 4 treatments left so it’s really taken me by suprised even though I’ve been told it would be like this!! Thanks again
Ooh, you are so close to finishing now, well done. It will carry on being uncomfortable for a little while yet, but I found it was tolerable physically because in my head I knew it was over.
Someone here recommended something called a HappyPo from Amazon. It is a 'portable bidet', a bit bigger than an electric toothbrush. (but it's not electric) You fill the soft plastic tank with warm water and then when you are sitting on the loo, you gently squeeze the tank and the water comes out of the head part in gentle jets. You can use it from the front or the back and I found it really soothing and cleansing. In fact I still use it now to wash my bottom, it is a really good tool for anyone with bottom issues!
Keep using the creams they gave you, take whatever painkillers you need and try to take it easy. Watch out for radiation cystitis, either the medical staff looking after you will give you something, or your GP can.
All the best x
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