Exam Under Anesthesia....

  • 3 replies
  • 39 subscribers

Done this past Thursday. To my dismay, she took THREE biopsies (we'd hoped for 'none') as she said the surface wasn't as smooth as she'd hoped.

The numbing kept me in good shape for the last few days, but this morning I'm in an awful lot of pain again, and had to resort to a px pain killer, which is, thankfully, kicking in

I'm so despondent. I'd hoped this degree of pain was part of my past.

Today is my granddaughter's 4th birthday, but I can't handle the hour and a half drive there, then back again. I can't sit at all.

So so so so so tired of butt pain.

Whiny suz

  • I'm SO sorry to hear about your pain, mine only lasted 2 days after operation! It's my skin that I'm suffering with so come on Suz, we can whine together! It's a long time to sit and by the time you get there you won't be in the mood to play with the little one! Can you maybe Facetime her instead? I know it's not the same but it's better than nothing! I've had to do this all my granddaughter lives, they live in Seattle and we're in the UK! 

    I hope the pain goes soon, take care,

    Moira x

  • Suz so sorry you are suffering butt pain. You seem to have been suffering for some time. You can moan all you like on here as that’s what we are here for. As Moira has suggested, FaceTime is brilliant for keeping in touch. You need all your energy to recover and fingers crossed your pain soon disappears


  • Oh Suz

    No wonder you are in pain.  The saving grace in all of this is it sounds like your team are being really thorough.  I know it doesn't help right at this moment and I am not surprised that you dread these examinations.  You aren't whiny in the least.

    I am so sorry you can't visit your granddaughter, take heart that in a week or so you will be up to the journey and be able to see her.

    Sending big hugs, and please let us know that the biopsy results are clear - everything crossed that they will be.

    Irene xx