Flexible Sigmoidoscopy

  • 4 replies
  • 34 subscribers

I've just received an appointment, through the post, to attend for day surgery! It's got no details of what it's for but it does have the name of my consultant! Imy guessing it must be for the Flexible Sigmoidoscopy as at my last appointment to have this done I was told it would have to be done under General anaesthetic, apparently I'm completely closed down there! Has anyone else had this done and what does it entail please? To say I'm terrified is a huge understatement! 

Moira x

  • Moira, I had anal stretching under GA done late last year to try and ease my anal stenosis.  Prior to that I had a sigmoidoscopy along with sedation.  I was really bracing myself for the sigmoidoscopy but in the event it really was ok and over very quickly. I think the tube they use is really quite small in diameter (about 1cm) and they use lots of gel and lubrication.  After the anal stretching I felt tender and had some bleeding but it wasn't anything I couldn't cope with.  Of course, I have never been told that I am completely closed, but all the teams treating me know that I find the examinations a bit of an ordeal.

    I will be keeping everything crossed that it all goes very smoothly, and I would alert them as to how apprehensive you are.

    Sending a big hug

    Irene xx

  • Thanks Irene! I went for the procedure a week ago, all geared up for it and a lovely nurse standing by with gas and air! They were lovely, explained exactly what it involved but then couldn't go ahead because they said I was closed completely! Now I've got this letter, no explained or anything, just told to report to the day unit and not to eat from midnight the day before! I ask you, wouldn't anyone panic, never mind a scaredy cat like me? It's why they wanted the procedure done in the first place, I know they want to look at the small bowel but it's what they might find when they look! Honestly, 74 years old and I'm like a scared kid again! I know it has to be done but have you ever felt like running away and hiding? It's such a big help to know I have support on here, my family are lovely but no matter how they try, they don't ' get it'! 

    Thank you Irene

    Moira xx

  • I frequently feel like running away and hiding!  The peculiar thing is the more I see of hospitals the more nervous I get.  It is the same with investigations, they get me all wound up, and cannulas - sometimes I pass out as they fiddle around trying to find a vein. 

    You aren't alone Moira!


  • Wow, Moira, I'd be skittering about like a baby bird! I'd call them right away and demand a few more details.

    I'm getting an EUA in a couple of weeks, for the anoscopy that I can't bear when awake. The last time was a breeze compared to trying to do it in the office, but I was in a lot of pain for a 2-3 weeks afterwards, my poor perineal skin bruised black. But it's the only way I can do it.

    I didn't have the added layer of angst by having the passage close entirely, although there's certainly stenosis.

    Hang tough and let us know what they say!

