
  • 3 replies
  • 40 subscribers

Morning all, so the sleep deprivation was stopped in its tracks last night, i managed a whole 6 hours with only one waking episode, for me thats a massive win, i also managed to get a whole meal down, only chicken breast and boiled spuds with peas, so that along with some rest, today feels so much better, ive always known how much of a difference these things make, its just sometimes it all just gets the better of us, waiting for the district nurse now to change the dressings and flush the line, does anybody now if the nurse is able to help chase a prescription up, realted to this terrible mess im dealing with? Thanks in advance, we keep moving forward! 

  • Hello Happyforager2

    I don't know what mess you are dealing with but it sounds relatively urgent - who issued the prescription?  If it was your GP they can send the prescription electronically to the nearest pharmacy in minutes so you wouldn't have to wait around.  If it was issued by the hospital team treating you I would ring them, sooner rather than later and ask what has happened to it and explain the urgency.

    Best of luck in getting things moving.

    Irene xx

  • Hi   ive managed to get it sorted thanks, it was something owing from my prescription from the chemist, bit of miscommunication and confusion with the gp surgery, it should be with my prescription delivery tomorrow 

  • Hi  ,

    I’m pleased to hear that you got some much needed sleep & also that you’ve managed to eat something. Is it lack of appetite that’s stopping you from eating? If that’s the case maybe ask your GP to prescribe some meal replacement shakes, for the days when you don’t feel like eating, these will provide you with all of the basic vitamins & minerals etc., that you need to keep you as well nourished as possible especially throughout your treatment. I hope your medication was sorted & you’ve received what was owed. 
