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  • 42 subscribers

Good morning all. I’m happy it’s a tad cooler today where I live as the heat was really zapping up all energy I had. My oncologist put me on a system which enables you to see your booked appointments and history of scans etc. You can also send messages via this app and ask questions or update symptoms. She did say that it’s good because I would not have to wait until I see her to get my results of my recent CT scan and my appointment was yesterday. Well what are we like? I was looking everyday for results and nothing so started thinking she has not put them on as it’s bad news. When I got there and walked in she started asking how I was and I said have you the results of the scan as I did not have them on My Chart. All is well and I’m NED and my lump has disappeared yay! Getting over that last surgery was not at all nice but all is well now. Still waiting from the nuclear medicine department regarding bowels but I can live with that. The feeling of relief is like a drug and I don’t go back until December. Off to the gym this morning and feeling quite normal ! 

  • Good morning Julie ( ),

    I’ve been staying with my parents in Lincolnshire for the last week & boy has it been hot here, uncomfortably so, I’m used to being much further north & by the sea, in no way am I complaining about the wonderful weather we’ve been having but it’s more the humidity that has got to me this week, like you say it just drains your energy doesn’t it? I missed the Great North Run on Sunday too, it finishes at our beautiful beach & it’s an amazing day. 

    I checked ‘MY CHART’ after you’d mentioned it last time but it’s not available at our hospitals. So pleased that your scan results brought good news & that your lump has resolved. Hopefully you’ll hear from the nuclear medicine department soon. 

    Enjoy the gym. 


  • Julie

    That is wonderful news, I am so pleased that everything is clear!  You have had such a rough time lately.  The cancer hospital treating me also has a (recently installed) system for patients where they can see history, and I did the same as you when I was waiting for scan results, I must have checked about every half hour in the days leading up to my appointment.  Then I had my appointment, and checked afterwards, and they don't put scan results on there.  Blood test results, letters to the GP, appointments, but not the scans.  I don't know whether to be relieved or not, I probably am, on balance.

    Enjoy your gym visit!

    Irene xx

  • I use my chart and it’s normally 2 weeks behind for all results etc to go on. You normally get the letters from consultants within a day or so after your appointment though x

  • My Charts are all over the map here. The one for my GP is awful, but fortunately the one for the cancer center is easy to use and on the ball. It's nice to be able to see the results of blood tests etc without waiting for the phone call.

    I'm so glad your rogue lump is gone and that you're getting over that nasty unexpected surgery and the pain that goes along with it. I totally get the euphoria.

    And going to the GYM. 
