Update From Me

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Morning ladies

Just thought I’d put a quick update on as you were so kind and thoughtful before I had my op.

I got home last night and my surgery went very well I’m pleased to say. My discharge letter says it was difficult surgery, but it was done by keyhole-it just took 4 hours instead of one as is usual. 

I had a very positive hospital experience on a ward with very caring and lovely staff and that made a huge difference! I still have a drain into my abdomen, but going back to see my surgeon on Monday where that will hopefully be removed-there seems to be nothing now draining into it which is good! My incisions are so neat and small-I only have 3, and am amazed that they can pull your gallbladder out through such a small hole! One of the cuts is very close to my urostomy so that’s more difficult to take care of, but everything looks to be healing nicely already. 

Had an MRCP scan yesterday (type of mri) and the results were good with no blockages and things looking normal so that was a huge relief. I find scans very difficult due to my ptsd, so was very proud of myself for managing to do it. I feel I should have got some sort of badge or sticker! Joy But I knew I wouldn’t get discharged without having it done, so I shuffled to the machine on a walker with tears streaming down my face and did it! I see this as one of my greatest avhievements to date as I would normally have refused. The staff were very patient with me and I must have looked a bit ridiculous in my fluffy dressing gown with cats on which they let me wear throughout. 

I am on loads of pills now for the next week, so my pain is well controlled and I slept so well in my own bed last night. It was bliss. So now I’m home, I’m hoping to recover pretty quickly and get back to “normal” soon. Thank you for all the support you gave me before I went in-it really was such a boost.

Sarah xx

  • Sarah good morning what a lovely update for a Friday morning. I am glad everything is going as planned and it does make a big difference when you have good support from your nurses. I am glad you brSleepinged the scanning as you have to look at the bigger picture and well done you! I wish you continued progress in the healing. Enjoy your weekend at home in your own bed Sleeping

  • Thank you so much Jaycee-it’s wonderful to be back in my own bed not getting woken all the time for obs and being so uncomfortable. I’m so grateful to be home, but also so grateful I had such lovely nurses taking care of me. 

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Wow you’re amazing Definitely should have got a sticker! First placeIt sounds like you are doing brilliantly and a good night’s sleep in your own bed is everything. Wishing you continued healing xx

  • Ah, Sarah, I have been thinking about you and hoping that you would post!  I am so happy that everything went well and that they managed to complete keyhole surgery, although four hours operating IS a long time.   And I am also full of admiration that you made it to the scanner in spite of how you felt, and it must have been such a relief that the staff were kind (although with your history they would have needed hearts of stone not to be!)

    There is nothing quite like being back in your own bed either, I don't know anyone who sleeps well in hospital.  Keeping everything crossed that your recovery continues well and at speed!

    Irene xx

  • Thank you  much appreciated. I am glad I seem to be recovering well, and I’ve got good pain relief which makes everything much easier! 

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • The staff were just wonderful Irene. Just the simple things like being proactive in asking if you need a bowl of water for a wash! And they were always smiling and gentle. What a difference it makes to how you feel. No-one barged through the curtain round my bed if I had it closed which happened last time-so embarrassing if you’re getting changed. I was so worried about being on the same ward as last time I actually asked before the op where I would be going and was delighted to find out it was a different place! 

    Now I’ve got a gentle day planned where I’ll just rest up and take things slowly! 

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Hi Sarah ( ), this is great to hear, thank you for the update. I’m so pleased that it was a positive experience, this must have helped you when facing your fears! We always hear about peoples negative experiences with the nhs & hospital stays & it’s lovely to hear you had such good care. My mum has recently had a stay in hospital with surgery & has sung the praises of everyone that’s been involved with her care.

    It’s so good getting back into your own bed isn’t it? Now time to take it easy, wishing you a speedy recovery & sending lots of healing thoughts your way. 


  • Hi Nicola, thank you so much. Finding the heat a bit difficult today but it’s so lovely to have warm sunshine. 

    I’m loving being in my own bed again and being able to get a decent sleep! It makes such a difference. I was so worried about my stay in hospital, but found it was absolutely as good as it could have been with the care I had. I was in a 4 bedded room and the nurses took great care of all of us-I could see how kind and thoughtful they were with the other ladies too. They were amazing, so I needed have been so worried going in. I’m glad your mum had such a positive experience too with her stay. 

    My fil is in a different hospital after his big surgery and they don’t even have his name on the board above his bed! And they’re not giving him sick bowls when he is projectile vomiting. He’s in the hospital where I had my exenteration surgery and I had excellent care there, so it’s surprising and disappointing to see this happening. 

    I’m off to have some more of my nice strong painklliers-I’m sore where the drain is stitched into my tummy but otherwise feeling remarkably well. Very thankful for the skill of my surgeon managing to do keyhole as it’s making my recovery easier. 

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • That’s such a shame about your father-in-law not receiving the good care you experienced in that hospital! It goes to show how hit & miss the care can be doesn’t it? 

    My dad had his gallbladder removed at the age of 81, thankfully he’s amazingly fit for his age (87 now) but he’d waited a while & they attempted keyhole but there were too many adhesions from previous infections & he ended up having to have open surgery, he ended up spending 2 weeks in hospital, he came home with a drain in also, this was supposed to be on for 3 weeks but he didn’t get an appointment to get it removed until 6 months later despite chasing it up, whoever he spoke to just kept passing the buck! This resulted in a further infection at the drain site & having to have it surgically removed as he’d healed around the drain internally! So not such a good experience for him. 

    I hope the painkillers are doing their job & you had a comfortable night. I also hope, although I love the fact that we’ve a spell of lovely weather, that things cool down a little for you. 


  • Sarah, I cannot tell you how happy this post makes me. Not only that the staff were so good to you, but your courage in overcoming your PTSD and shuffling with your fluffy cats, through your tears, to get the scan done.

    Keep having gentle days and good nights while you finish recovering. You're doing everything right.
