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I forgot to mention I think I also have vaginal and possibly anal stenosis 

I was never given or advised to use dilators during or after treatment and now things aren’t working. At my 3 month appt I mentioned it and was told that dilators were not discussed as they thought I was at risk of a fistula.

as yet I’ve not received them (gp has ordered) I’m getting really stressed about it and worried about the long term complications. I’ve asked to be referred to gynea -which they have done, but I’m wandering what may need to be involved  

the registrar also attempted a rectal examination last week and it was so painful it wasn’t possible to do.

had anyone else had this  ? 

  • Yes. 

    I started out so narrow in the back passage that I couldn't take an anoscope so had to get conked out for the exam. Radiation just made it worse. No one has ever discussed dilators of any sort with me so I guess it's not something we do here? (But with anoscopies, it's such a big deal!)

    For sure had some vaginal stenosis too. That seems to be easing a little. Not that the ol' girl is getting much use, but a little here and there and it's getting easier. 

    I've got a DRE on Friday from Dr. Sausagefingers. But this time I've got meds to make it bearable!

    You'd think that having anal cancer would be enough challenge for any of us!



  • Keeping my fingers crossed for you Suz for Friday and hope it’s not too painful!

  • Yes to both, unfortunately.  I was given dilators towards the end of treatment, persevered with them, but on the couple of occasions that we tried to have sex I was in a lot of pain.  The second time I examined myself with a mirror and my skin had split in the perineum, penetration was never achieved.  I have been massaging myself with oil but haven't had the nerve to try again.  I haven't spoken to anyone yet about the skin splitting, I am embarrassed, I suppose, and just wondering what they can do to allieviate this.

    I find rectal examinations very painful too.  Constipation is my nightmare and I have Laxido every day to keep my stools soft and they are pencil thin.  It therefore takes me some time in the morning as I need to have my bowels open at least three times before I feel 'empty'!  My oncologist referred me to a colorectal consultant who examined me just over a month ago, and he confirmed stenosis just by looking and has offered a procedure under anaesthetic to stretch the anus, however, he did warn that it may contract again unless I carry on with anal dilators.  I have a telephone appointment next month to confirm if I want to go ahead with this and I have decided I do.

    I know you are very young and I am really sorry that you have this worry, and I do hope that gynea can help you.  It would be really helpful if you would post on here as I know I am not the only one with problems.

    Wishing you lots of luck

    Irene x

  • Suz

    Wow, that came round quickly, I hope the meds are strong enough to help you through this.  I'll be thinking of you (says she with clenched buttocks)!

    Irene xx

  • Thanks Irene, yes I will post again once I’ve poked with them. 
    I’m so glad I have my stoma. It’s not ideal but it does make life easier, especially with young kids. X

  • Oh my word Suz I cringe for you every time I read that Dr Sausagefingers is on the horizon!! It’s an unfortunate profession for someone with such large hands don’t you agree? Hoping the meds work their magic for you,

    I’ll be thinking of you on Friday. 


  • Hi  ,

    I think for us girls both vaginal & rectal stenosis is a given following this treatment!

    I’m happily single so haven’t attempted intercourse since treatment but was supplied with dilators at the end of my treatment & went on to use them as soon as it was comfortable enough to do so & progressed up the sizes over time, I’ve since had a smear test without any pain or complications so I’m happy with things there. Like Irene I relied on stool softeners to keep things moving easier in the poo department, I took these for 3 & a half years before I felt I could manage without them, I didn’t go cold turkey though I took them every other day for a couple of weeks then down to twice a week then off them completely. Since I’ve stopped taking them altogether I think my rectal stenosis has improved quite a bit, I get very little discomfort when going to the loo even on days when I’m a bit constipated. 

    When my rectal stenosis was at its worst my surgeon said if it was a real issue for me then they can perform stretching which is done periodically under anaesthetic but this can cause splitting of the what is already delicate radiated skin! That for me was a no! I would have rather have taken the softeners for the rest of my days I think. 

    In my unprofessional opinion I think slowly & gently is the key with both areas of stenosis, take things at your own pace, don’t put any pressure on yourself & with the advice you receive from your Dr’s I’m sure you’ll find things will improve in both departments over time.


  • Nicola, I have just had a chill go through me reading about the radiated skin splitting!  I have a telephone appointment soon and I shall ask the consultant about that, I have had enough trauma to my nether regions to last me to the end of my days!

    One of the reasons I was thinking of going ahead was that it takes me so long to get going in the morning.  I can't make any early arrangements as I have to factor in loo visits, the first one is always urgent, but then there is at least a couple more.  Do you still have to do that?

    Irene x

  • Hi Irene, in the early days after my treatment was done I would get the urgency as soon as I got up out of bed & on my feet in the morning & although there was no diarrhoea there was no holding off either I would have to run! Generally once I’d had that bowel movement though that was it for the day, on the odd occasion I would also go later in the day with moderate urgency. Timing should we say has stayed the same, I still go generally within the first hour of being up on a morning but there’s rarely the urgency now, I have much, much better control, if I’m busy doing something I can quite easily finish what I’m doing & go when I’m done. 

    My surgeon said he would only recommend the stretching for severe cases of anal stenosis. 


  • That is great news Nicola. It shows in time things can possibly improve for some. This gives you hope. I got into the habit of when I was safely within distance of the toilet seat I would just try to hold it off just a bit longer to strengthen the sphincter muscles but sometimes you think it might not be such a good thing with stenosis!! I also use a footstool advised by my pelvic physiotherapist so bring up your knees when sitting down and relaxing the pelvic muscles