Hair loss just started...2 months after treatment ended

  • 2 replies
  • 39 subscribers

The chemo I had was Mitomycin and Capacetabine. Two months after the end of my treatment my hair started thining. I noticed it quite a bit on my pillow and then when washing my hair. I wasn't expecting this. I thought I was free and clear of hair loss. I have read on this site that putting coconut oil on your scalp twice a week will help condition the scalp for new growth. Has anyone tried anything else to help reduce thining hair or help hair grow back healthy? My daughter is getting married in one month and I would like as much hair on my head as possible! Thanks!

  • My hair loss started about the same time, almost 2 months after finishing treatment. I'd already had it cut short, so I just went the next step and got a crew cut. 

    I think one month is not enough time to get your own growth back. It almost certainly WILL grow back thick and healthy- it seems to for most of us. The coconut oil is a great idea, such good stuff, but for the wedding you might want to consider a gorgeous silk scarf or hat, or ye olde reliable wig.

    Hope the wedding is wonderful!


  • Because I had systemic chemo prior to chemo/radiotherapy, I already had no hair so I can't advise at all I'm afraid.  The only consolation is that my hair is back to the way it has always been, albeit I have kept it very short.  I totally understand that you want to look your best at the wedding, I'm not sure how much you want to spend but some of the wigs out there are amazing.  Failing that a big wide brimmed hat (but I am not sure you would want to wear it all day!).  Or, going the whole hog and wear a glamorous scarf.  I hope you (and your family) have a lovely day.

    Irene xx