Please tell me it gets easier quickly

  • 8 replies
  • 43 subscribers

Hi me again! Had my final treatment today was just wondering how long it takes for the side effects to ease? I know I won’t happen over night! It’s my birthday on Sunday so wanted to do something if I can! Thank you 

  • Hi  ,

    Firstly congratulations on completing your treatment. Well done. It’s definitely a steep learning curve isn’t it?

    As with treatment everyone is different in their recovery. I can only share my personal experience, so here’s how it went for me.… As you’ll most probably been told the radiotherapy carries on doing its thing for quite some time following that last session so therefore the side effects continue to build for a few days. My side effects peaked on day 11 after my last radiotherapy session, the fatigue was pretty bad so I slept a lot during those 11 days & I was either in bed, on the sofa or in an Epsom salt bath but once I began healing it all happened pretty quickly. My skin healed well although I had to make sure I used the creams provided & took the stool softeners as going to the loo was uncomfortable for a while after. I returned to work part-time 5-6 weeks after I finished my treatment. 

    Remember this is only my experience. Hopefully others will be along soon to share their journeys also. 


  • Hi Kimj like Nicola I can only give you my experience. When treatment stopped the pain increased but was given creams and I was one of the morphine lovers but made sure I was on stool softeners. But it was such a relief to not have the daily travel to hospital and I could dedicate that time to just stay home and heal. Getting your pain meds sorted goes a long way in helping. A lot on here turned the corner on the second week but I did go that bit longer. 

  • Sunday may be a bit soon, but we've had folks post here about having minimal side effects during and after! They told me a few weeks. Took me longer than that to get to where I could get somewhat back to normalcy. I'd certainly plan to take it easy for a few weeks at least.


  • Hi what’s the best cream people used because the one I’m using is rubbish feels like I’m on fire down below! Think I might need a wheelchair it’s really hurts when walking 

  • Hi  ,

    None of the creams that I used took that burn away but it was all about treating the burns & keeping my skin in as good shape as possible until the healing began. I was prescribed Flamazine cream post treatment but used neat it stung like crazy where the skin was really sore so I mixed it with a tiny bit of QV cream (similar to an aqueous cream). I was given s repeat prescription for these to hand into my GP so I ordered a prescription straight away so I had plenty in.

    I’m sure others that have been through this treatment will agree that the key to these next couple of weeks is to rest as much as possible, compared to some my side effects from treatment weren’t bad at all but as I said in my previous post I slept A LOT especially in that first week, I was completely exhausted.

    Obviously it’s entirely up to you but I think I would be inclined to postpone the birthday celebrations just for a couple of weeks when you’re feeling in better shape, you’ll have a much better time, not to say you can’t celebrate at home on the day but with it being so close I think going out, the way you’re feeling right now, may be a little ambitious. 


  • Hello Kimj

    You must be so relieved that all those visits have come to an end, in the grand scheme of things the course isn't a long time but when you are going through it you think it will never end!  It would be lovely to have a double celebration on your birthday but I think this very much depends on how your feel.  At your point I spent most of the time in bed either sleeping (I had never know fatigue like it, the body is in overdrive trying to repair itself) plus my sores 'in the triangle' were so painful I couldn't sit down.  My bowels hadn't quietened down and I couldn't be far from a loo.  Of course this doesn't last forever, but it might be wise to delay your celebration until you are in slightly less pain.  Your call of course, only you know your own body, and it would be great if you were out painting the town red!

    Whatever you decide, take good care of yourself.

    Irene xx

  • Hi Irene yes so glad it’s over! I’m same as you as in where the pain is I can’t sit down have to lay I use the cream but it’s pointless! I am going to wait till maybe next Weekend to celebrate depending on how I am but once im ok I’ll definitely be painting the town red hahaha 

  • Hello Kimj, sorry you've had the problems we've all had on here. I was told two weeks and the pain would peak & then I'd be getting better. This is only my experience, but I'm 6 months down the line since finishing treatment and am still suffering a lot of pain. My GP put me on Gabapentin in April as she said  I had nerve damage and this was why it was so painful. Things have improved since being on the Gabapentin, but I'm still very tender down there. Sorry to sound so negative, but we're all different and it takes different times to heal with every person. I use the Flamigel on my "ladies bits" and various steroid creams and Anusol at the rear end. Good luck with it all, keep in touch. Bee X