Mystery lump

  • 11 replies
  • 41 subscribers

Hi all, I posted last week about a return of the dreaded itching and pain in my buttocks and down the backs of my legs. I saw my oncologist last week who said she wanted to take a photo of the lump and speak to her colleagues. She did add she doesn’t think it’s cancer but as it is just on the site of a pre treatment surgery that left a skin tag this has gone hard like a pea and tender. She has just phoned to tell me they are booking me in for a EUA and possible biopsy to be on the safe side. She again added her colleagues do not think it looks cancerous but due to my history having anal cancer they don’t want to take any chances. I have been lucky to be booked for next Wednesday 21st as there was a cancellation. Fingers crossed all is well but not looking forward to the dreaded sore a**e again.

  • Jaycee

    I know you don't want any more procedures and I can completely understand why, but I am pleased that they are not taking any chances and have fitted you in so soon.  I hope as this lump is very small that you won't have too much pain afterwards.

    I am keeping everything crossed that it is nothing to worry about.

    Irene xxx

  • Hi Julie,

    It’s not what you expected or what you wanted but at least your team are moving quickly & fingers crossed the EUA/biopsy will put this thing to bed & it’ll turn out to be totally benign & even better if the biopsy removes most of it! When I had my pre-diagnosis biopsy they almost completely removed the external polyp that was there. 


  • Hello Nicola I have been slightly numb today but mostly saying it will be fine. I have been googling fibroepithelial polyps and the symptoms do seem to mirror what I have been getting with the itching and feeling the urge frequently to wee and pressure. You can get these after trauma to the skin but know I may be completely wrong and we spend time telling ourselves not to Google. What has to be done will have to be done and just not looking forward to the soreness again. Thankyou you for your comments and Irene I thank you too. I was very lucky to get that call today with an appointment and I bet my oncologist pushed for it. She is really great. 

  • Hi all, I had the EUA today and the mystery lump removed. Pain not at all bad but that might be due to the shot of anaesthetic injection as I cannot feel any genitalia! No stitches which is good as they use jelonet dressing. It is a shame they don’t give us anaesthesia down below to numb whilst having treatment when pain starts to get going. Surgeon sending off the biopsy so fingers crossed. I wanted to know a bit more information from the surgeon but was told if i wanted to se her before I was released I would have to wait at least three hours! Discharge information was a bit vague so I suppose they don’t like to say much until they definitely know.

  • Jaycee, I have been thinking about you today and hoping that it all went well and you weren’t in too much pain.  I know how nerve wracking the wait can be, have they given you any idea when you will get the results?  Keeping everything crossed that it is nothing to worry about.

    irene xx

  • Hi Irene no they haven’t given me a timeframe but I do see my oncologist on the 24 August and would not be surprised if I had to wait until then plus I’m due a ct scan before then but not heard anything. I will probably start phoning I a couple of weeks to push it. Thank you for thinking of me. Just dreading the first bowel movement !!

  • Hi Julie, I’m so pleased that the EUA is over & done with, hopefully your results will be back soon & they’ll show that there’s nothing to be concerned about. 

    I’ll be thinking of you in the coming days & have everything crossed for you that the news is good. 


  • Thank you Nicola, I feel confident that it was nothing sinister. Today is precisely two years post treatment. Keeping my fingers crossed it isn’t too painful when the numbness wears off. Glad it’s been removed 

  • Hey  

    I’ve been following this post and just wanted to say I’m glad your team addressed the lump quickly.  I bet the news is all good, but we can all empathize with the worry that comes with waiting for results!

    As for TWO YEARS, that’s fantastic!  Assuming all’s well with the biopsy, aaparwntly two years NED is a significant milestone for this type of cancer, in that the risk of recurrence drops dramatically then.  I bet you’re in for a great report and even greater peace of mind.

    Best wishes for a smooth recovery and quick, good news!


  • I hope that you’re not in too much pain!

    Two years post treatment is a huge milestone Julie, my oncologist told me that the chances of a recurrence, although it’s not ruled out, drops dramatically at that two year mark. 

    Keep us updated on how you’re doing. 
