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So I Rang my specialist nurse as worried about how I’m feeling she thinks I’m struggling with anxiety. Shes sending out a blood form to test my iron etc. she says it’s not the medication causing shaking, intense headaches, dizziness lightheaded etc it’s anxiety. I’ll have appointment soon to see my consultant and have a general anesthetic to have a good look.

The good news is they have my Ct scan results back and my liver and lungs are clear !!! Yayy thank god!!! As soon as the mri comes back she’ll call me with results of the bowel area. Xx

  • Good for you, Nanny, for calling your nurse when you realized you were struggling and for the good news about your liver and lungs! I hope the good news from the rest will help alleviate the anxiety.

    Anxiety sucks.


    Also Anxious Suz

  • Hi  , I agree with Suz, it’s good that you’ve recognised the fact that you need some help. Many people find counselling helpful following a cancer diagnosis & subsequent treatment, if you do decide that this is the route you’d like to go down there are cancer specific counsellors out there that will be able to give you the tools you need to cope with your anxiety. If you have a Maggies Centre close to you I’m sure they offer counselling sessions. 

    That’s great news concerning your CT results, I’ve got everything crossed for your MRI results too, hope they come through quickly so that you can relax a little. 


  • Hi thank you and thank you for the reply. Maggie’s Centre sounds brilliant I’ve searched online unfortunately there isn’t one near me well it’s an hours drive away and I can’t manage that. Maybe my specialist nurse or gp will recommend something I’d prefer something other than more medication if possible. I thought it could be side effects of the pain relief I’m on but they have said no it isn’t xx 

  • That’s a shame that your closest Maggies is so far from you but yes speak with either your nurse, GP or even your oncologist may be able to point you in the right direction of a counselling service. I think it’s really important that you speak with someone though, I’ve seen first hand how debilitating anxiety can be & you may find that once you begin managing your anxiety that your physical recovery begins to fall into place & improves. If you have no luck sourcing the help you need maybe give the Macmillan Helpline a ring.  Please keep us updated on how you get on. 


  • Hi again GreenNanny

    I answered you earlier but I am so glad you had a word with your specialist nurse.  And I am glad you are having it all investigated to put your mind to rest.  Anxiety can be so debilitating, so hopefully your team can refer you for counselling.  Really good news about your scans!

    Thinking about you.

    Irene x

  • Hi thank you I will keep you updated. My husband is more than happy to drive me it’s just too uncomfortable to be going that distance weekly and I know I’ll get worried about it. Fingers crossed I’ll find something closer to home xx 

  • Hi  ,

    I’m so glad to hear that your scans all look good.  There is never better news than that, and I do hope the MRI is just as wonderful!

    Ugh—the anxiety can be absolutely horrendous, debilitating, as   mentioned.  I have often thought that though my body seems to have weathered the trip through cancerland very well, my mind has been so greatly affected.  I have struggled so much with anxiety.  I think everyone’s answer to the anxiety-management problem is different, and I really hope you have some support as you parse out the things that work best for you.

    I had worked with a counselor off and on for years, but leading up to my cancer diagnosis, I hadn’t seen her in quite some time.  Nevertheless, she was one of the first people I called when I had the cancer news.  I got back on her schedule, and I go monthly now.  It helps to have someone as a bouncing board, someone who isn’t so personally and emotionally invested as a family member or friend, and someone who is trained to not say annoying stuff like, “Worrying won’t change anything” or “Look for the positives of this situation” or whatever other trite things people say who don’t understand the devastation of a cancer diagnosis.  I know people mean well, but good professionals know that these platitudes are nearly insulting.

    Also, I notice that when I’ve not slept soundly or when I’ve fallen off of my exercise routine, my anxiety seems to kick up even more.  So for me, right now, I manage anxiety with some combination of good sleep, regular, strenuous exercise, and counseling.  However, absolutely not to be underestimated is the profound help and reassurance I receive from interacting with other thoughtful cancer survivors, including a few close friends and you awesome people here in this forum!

    I know some others find anxiety relief in meditation, working outside, spending time with kids or animals, prescribed medication, or favorite hobbies.  Again, I will send up good thoughts for you that your MRI is great, and that you find a helpful combination of relief from the anxiety.

    Peace to you,


  • I should add, methinks, that my #1 help with anxiety is medical marijuana. Not sure how England looks at that. It doesn't help much at all with pain, to my sorrow, but is by far the best and most effective soother of anxiety.

    Old Hippy Suz

  • Sue

    Unfortunately getting medical marijuana in the UK is very difficult and it would only be given under certain circumstances when all other medication has failed; the NHS states that there have not been enough studies to legislate on this.  Cannabis would only be available from 'dealers'.  Where we go in rural Spain people grow it (bountifully) on their land and it is legal if it is for their own use.

    From another old Hippy! x

  • Wishing you the best of health on your journey, and I hope you get positive news from the MRI results too!