Further anxiety

  • 8 replies
  • 41 subscribers

Hi everyone I haven’t been on for a while as I’ve been getting my life back together. I had treatment for anal cancer last year and in November had the amazing news that there was no signs of cancer. Fast forward to today, I’ve been having pain in my right side so went back to the doctor and I’ve had an ultrasound to see if I have gallstones. Turns out I do have gallstones, but the also found a spot on my liver which needs another scan to look into. I am once again terrified and lost. I’m 36 years old and have a 4 year old boy and I can’t face going through all this again. Has anyone had anything similar where something was found and turned out to be nothing? Xxx

  • Hi Bec, I haven't, but I can only imagine how worrisome it must be. I know it's easy to say, but there are SOOO many things that spot could be that aren't a recurrence. I sure hope they get you in and checked out soon so you can quit worrying and keep getting better.



  • Hi  , 

    I’m really sorry that you’ve got all of this worry again at the moment! Like Suz I’ve no personal experience of this but agree that this could be anything not necessarily connected with your diagnosis back last year. It’s pointless saying try not to worry because once you’ve had a cancer diagnosis anything that happens our minds jump to worst case scenario don’t they? This is totally understandable. I hope that you don’t have to wait too long for your scan & it can put your mind at rest. Please keep us updated. 


  • Oh Bec, my heart goes out to you.  Constant worry around scans and results is the bane of our lives after a cancer diagnosis.  I really hope that everything moves very fast, that there is nothing to be worried about and you can carry on enjoying your life with your little boy.  We are all thinking of you, please come back and let us know how you are.  Sending hugs too

    Irene xx

  • Thank you for your replies. I’ve just spoken to the nurse and she said they have found 2 lesions on the liver. Going for an MRI soon hopefully. It’s so worrying I just feel sick. Can’t believe I’m back to this again. I know there are other things it could be but I’m convinced it’s spread to my liver even after successful treatment of anal cancer. 

  • Hi sorry your going through this i had something on lver aswell but it turned out they were cysts which apparently are quite common and harmless so im praying yours are something harmless aswell . I know its incredibly tough but just try and get on with day to day as best you can and remember nowadays they can get rid of stuff on liver if needed there are many more treatment options now and more trials happening all the time God Bless

  • Thank you so much for your reply. It has given me some hope. Do you mind me asking what they did once they found the cysts? Did they do an MRI to be sure? 

  • I went through something similar only a couple of months ago! It was discovered that I too had gallstones and that what was causing the darker patch on my liver, was a gallstone that had lodged in a tube and had dilated! I’m still waiting to find out what comes next! I’m so sorry I’m mot explaining this very well, to tell the truth when I was told it wasn’t cancer, the rest went over my head! What I’m trying to say is, please believe us when we say it could be so many other things! I won’t tell you to stop worrying, it’s impossible! Remember we are all rooting for you,

    Moira x

  • Hi from what i recall i think they were sending me for a PET scan anyway and i had MRI around same time ive not had to have anything done with the cysts and i think they are fairly common i really hope it turns out ok for you.