Post treatment lump

  • 7 replies
  • 41 subscribers

Hi all

i finished chemo radiation 4 weeks ago. Skin all healed and I’ve been feeling well and pain free. 
tonigbt I’ve noticed a lump about the size of a small marble next to anus. It isn’t painful but is tr see if I press. There’s no redness but you can see the skin is slightly raised. 
my initial panic  was the obvious, is it a new tumour, lymph node. But ha I g thought about it I wander if it could be a spot/boil/cyst/abcess forming…well this is what I’m hoping it is. 

just wandering if anyone else has had similar? I will be calling g my team first thing. 
many thanks


  • Kerrie, I am no expert, but your pelvic region has only finished radiation treatment which will continue to work for six months.  I am sure it would be highly unusual for something to develop in that time whilst treatment is still so fresh.  I have lumps around my anus but they are piles which my oncologist has remarked on and she suggested I visit my GP.  I hope you get some answers that will reassure you tomorrow.

    Irene xx

  • Hi Kerrie

    i am 12 weeks post treatment and I have had a small hard lump since the last few days of radiotherapy.  The oncologist believes it is likely a build up of dead cells and referred to it as a skin tag.  Apparently these are quite common.   Obviously it is a major worry but until I have my scans in January there isn’t much that can be done.   It hasn’t changed and it isn’t painful so for now I have to try and put it out of my mind.   Easier said than done!!

    Seems very similar to what you have.  Do let me know if your team have any different thoughts.   I will let you know my outcome   In January once I have my results.  

    Try not to worry too much. 

    Michelle xxx

  • Thanks Michelle. I will let you know what my GP Thinks once I’ve spoken to them x

  • Hi Kerrie, I'm amazed at how quickly you've recovered from the treatments! At 4 weeks out I was still wild-eyed and wary! 

    I got a lump right on the verge of my vag a few weeks out of treatment, hard and not painful but I was worried. I was in so much pain still that I decided to ignore it, and sure enough, it went away in a couple of weeks. Didn't have to do a thing.

    Hope this is the case for you.



  • Doc things it’s fluid built up so got more antibiotics as precaution. It’s not got any bigger or worse so hopefully won’t come to anything. 
    Other than the stress of whatever is going on in my head my body feels fine and well and I’m just getting on as normal. 
    hope you have a lovely xmas x

  • That’s great news and hopefully you can relax a little now and enjoy your

  • Hi  , that’s good news, hopefully with the help of the antibiotics it’ll resolve. I know you still have the worry about your head scan but try & enjoy your Christmas. 
