Oh my! I have a lump in my neck

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  • 41 subscribers

Hi all, I just wanted to see if anyone experienced lumps in the neck. I was sent to the hospital a couple of months ago as my dentist wanted a lump on my tongue checked. They had a look and felt around my neck and said they see nothing of concern and the lump was a salivary gland on the tongue. Two weeks ago at my dentist appointment she checked everything and xrayed my teeth and I am waiting for a filling to be done in two weeks to replace a temporary one prior to my treatment just over fifteen months ago. I have been experiencing a strange salty taste on and off on one side of my mouth (why didn’t I tell my dentist) and a week ago I had my booster covid and the flue jab. I was away last week for a mini break but in all honesty didn’t feel great and I put that down to having the jabs. Prior to all this I had a cough from last October for around six months and the hospital gave me a chest X-ray and it was fine. Six weeks ago I had my year scan which I believe was chest and pelvic scan. I did say to the oncologist I was worried this type of cancer can also appear in the throat and she agreed so why don’t they do that also. Yesterday I was having lunch and my husband said the right side of my throat is bulging and when I felt it alarm bells went off! Yes it was a lump but not painful. It wasn’t a good evening after that and the worry sets in. This morning it had gone down only to appear when I ate breakfast. I wonder if anyone on here has experienced similarities. I am still waiting for scan results six weeks now and it’s really not fair to make you wait that long! I will see if I can make an appointment with my gp but if I haven’t eaten it will disappear again. I am going to try the hospital for the third time to see if I have my results as my next oncologist appointment isn’t due until the 27th October. 
sorry for long post but it has set me back and frightened the life out of me!

  • No helpful advice to offer, Jaycee, but I'm so sorry you're having to deal with this worry. I'd be worried too. Probably a million things it could be that AREN'T cancer and most of them minor, and that's what I'm hoping for you.

    I"m glad you're pushing for your results. Stay on them and keep updating us!



  • Jaycee, I have no idea what the lump might be but do you have a cancer nurse contact at the hospital that treated you?  It would put your mind to rest if you had proper investigation of this and the 27th October is over two weeks away.  However, I can see they may say to wait until you see the oncologist, what a worrying time for you.  Perhaps the MacMillan hotline can advise, I know I had to contact them due to horrendous constipation after morphine and they were very helpful.  Obviously they can't diagnose over a telephone call but they may be able to advise the next steps to take to hurry all this up.  I am so sorry you have this hanging over you in addition to waiting for your scan results.  I do hope your GP can help.  Please let us know how you get on.

    Irene x

  • Hi ,

    I’m really sorry you have this worry going on right now, I think I would be phoning either your oncologist, specialist nurse or GP to get your neck checked out & to see if all of these things that are going on could be linked in any way. I think I would also be chasing those scan results as a 6+ week wait really isn’t acceptable! Regardless of if the lump is there or not if you manage to see your GP you can tell him/her where it pops up & be insistent that it needs investigating. If it’s any comfort I’ve had both my flu vaccination & Covid booster within a week of each other & both for some reason this year left me pretty exhausted. As  has said the majority of these things turn out to be benign but I can completely understand your concern. Don’t ever apologise for posting your concerns here that’s what we’re here for. Please keep us informed. 


  • Thankyou all for your replies and support. I tried to ring my GP and no answer. I rang my specialist nurse and left a message and the recording said it may take up to three days to get back to me due to staffing. I despair at our health service these days it just gets worse. I am going to email my doctors surgery and tell them how it makes me feel. My nurse is wonderful but you feel so bad when you feel cross. 

  • Hi again , it really is horrendous that you can’t get to speak with at least one of your team or your GP, I understand staffing issues, I’m not part of the NHS but I had complaints at work last night concerning lack of staff, we’re now living with the legacy of the pandemic but that doesn’t help you here & now! I would make a nuisance of yourself until you’re heard, what is the old saying ‘he who shouts loudest’! 


  • Hi all I am still waiting for the hospital call but I have managed to get a doctors appointment this afternoon which is brilliant. Will see what he says and will let you all know. Just wondering if I should take a banana and eat it before I go in as the lump seems to come up when I eat. I still get the random sweet salty taste in my mouth too.

  • I am so pleased you have managed to get an appointment with your GP.  I agree, do everything you can to recreate the situation you have when the lump shows.  And I have been thinking about your wait for scan results - have you thought of getting in touch with PALS?

  • Hi Irene I did think about PALS and I am going to see if I hear anything back today or tomorrow and if I don’t then that’s the plan. I have a friend who is also having treatment for something else and she has been back and forth regarding her condition and doesn’t seem to have to wait too long but it is serious so maybe that is what is moving me down the chain. I can understand that there are situations where they can’t wait and it’s just so frustrating for the rest.

  • Hi all, I have seen a very nice doctor but not my normal one unfortunately. She has referred me to the ENT clinic and said they will have a waiting list of at least three months

  • Hello Jaycee, Just jumping in here to say I have a clogged salivary gland and it behaves very much like what you describe. It enlarges when I eat. I also get that "salty" taste. I think it is from drainage. I sometimes can eat something sour and it will help drain it. I hope this is all you are dealing with. 

