Constant pain from rear end

  • 4 replies
  • 40 subscribers

Was diagnosed stage 2 anal cancer. - chemo radiotherapy was the plan of action . Treatment now complete and tumour decreased in size considerably. Still in excruciating pain , cannot sit or stand for long real hurts for 90 percent of the time everyday , I also had two abscesses drained and that’s left two big gashes that have healed funny these are Creating pain . Will I always be in pain or will it eventually fade off ?

  • Hello Viktor18 just to say congratulations on completing your treatment for anal cancer. You don’t say how long it has been since treatment finished. When I just finished treatment the following four weeks was very painful and I was prescribed morphine by my treating team. Some start to to turn a corner in less time. I also took over the counter medication like ibuprofen and paracetamol. I was prescribed a laxative as opioids cause constipation. I would advise you to contact your treatment team regarding pain relief. They can also prescribe or advise on creams you can apply externally around the area. I am no longer in pain but this did take time and please share your concerns also with your team who can support your concerns. 

  • I won't lie, I still have pain during a bowel movement (19 weeks since my treatment finished) but it is nothing like those early days which are like a bad dream now.  Getting two abscesses must have been incredibly painful in itself, your poor body has really gone through it.  It sounds as if the scar tissue is painful and that may take time to wear off, but I agree with Jaycee, get some help from your team.  Just don't forget the laxatives, I found Normacol, a stool softener, invaluable and still use it every day to ensure my stools are soft and pass easily.

  • Hi Viktor

    While I didn't have to cope with abscesses in the midst of all the misery, and I'm so sorry you lost that particular lottery, the rear end pain was terrible at the end of treatment and the first few weeks afterwards. I hope I never have to experience that again.

    Still have an occasional rough bowel movement or just generalized soreness that requires Tylenol fairly often, I very rarely need anything stronger. I'm a little over 3 months out of treatment.

    It's not forever, it just feels like it.

    Every day you're a little closer to putting it behind you. Pun sort of intended.


  • Hi ,

    I just came to say that like others have mentioned, the pain may actually INCREASE for a couple of weeks after treatment ends, but then will begin to improve steadily.  Such has been my case, and I’m now 6 months past my last chemo radiation treatment.  I rarely have pain now.  I am so sorry to hear you are dealing with abcesses, also!  I can’t offer personal knowledge of that, but my colorectal specialist did say that any injury to the radiation treatment field would take longer to heal…I hope you find relief soon from that!

    Absolutely contact your treating team!  I have heard of so many different ways doctors can address pain and discomfort…surely there’s a combination of treatments that’s right for you!  I chose Miaderm, coconut oil, and aloe vera gel as topicals, sometimes layered.  I also did two-a-day warm epsom salt soaks during the most painful weeks, but I don’t know how the abcesses might be affected by soaking.  My specialist advised me to “keep it soft” (regarding bowel movements), so I drink lots and LOTS of water and eat lots of fiber.  Fortunately, I’ve only had a problem with constipation a few times, and senna tea has helped with that.

    So…that’s just what worked for me.  Maybe make a list of all of the things people have told you was helpful to them, and then show it to your medical team to see if they think any of those things could also work and be safe for you!

    Finally, congratulations on finishing treatment!  It may not physically feel like a celebration, but hang in there…may you find pain relief that allows you to really embrace the fact that the worst is over as you continue to heal.

    Best wishes to you,
