Good News-Despite Ongoing Issues

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Good Morning All,

I received my 3 year CT lung and liver scan results last week and they were clear. The Oncologist also carried out a digital rectal examination (DRE) and there was nothing sinister found. This is despite the worst flare up I've had in 2.5 years, itching, pain and a sensation of a deep cut all at the site of the original tumour, although the symptoms are reducing each day. The Oncologist explained that this will be due to a tear having occurred in the lining of the anal canal due to the anal narrowing (stenosis) and still sensitive skin which received a huge dose of radiation. Only this morning I went to the toilet and it was not as soft as usual. I felt a sharp pain and there was some blood on the toilet paper. This does fit with the advice she gave me so I am not worrying at all about it.   

Due to some unexpected bouts of diarrhoea, I'm to have a colonoscopy to double check all is ok. My Oncologist thought it could possibly be late radiation side effects and if so there is a Late Side Effects Clinic at the hospital I can be referred to. She also thought it could be some other issue unrelated to the Big C and did not seem concerned about it. 

Following ongoing pain in my hipbones, I asked for a bone density scan as pelvic radiotherapy can accelerate osteoporosis. The Oncologist did say she thought the hip pain could be related to ligament issues which can be helped by yoga or pilates but has ordered the scan anyway. 

Three years is such a big milestone, it's such a relief!  

Bev x

  • So happy for you, and also pleased that the team treating you aren't taking any shortcuts in checking you out.  I can imagine your relief! x

  • Hi Bev

    I am so happy to read your post!!!  As you know, I have very similar issues to you and this definitely helps me to read as I'm coming up to my scan in a couple of weeks!

    So so happy for you Bev!!

    Deb x 

  • Oh, what a terrific milestone and great news! It's especially heartening to hear how conscientious your cancer care team is being in regards to all the follow up. Your NHS, which I'm sure has flaws and issues, is SOOOO much better than our US profits-above-all model.

    Go you! 

  • THREE YEARS!! That is so fantastic and inspirational.  Thank you for sharing your great news, and thank you also for sharing that it hasn’t always been roses (often, thorns).

    I’m glad to hear your scans and exam results are good, and I’m also glad you’re receiving ongoing support for the issues you’re still experiencing, unrelated to cancer.

    I, too, have been warned about the tightening of pelvic soft tissue, and I have experienced the discomfort on occasion, especially when I do a lot of walking/jogging without following up with my typical yoga and stretching.  Yes, those things really, really do help.  I’m not a serious practitioner of yoga, but I know enough to help myself, and I was a former professional ballet dancer, so stretching comes second-nature.  I hope your discomfort isn’t related to bone density issues, and that you can find a yoga/stretching routine that offers you some relief!

    Congrats and continued good health!


  • Red, I've been doing starlight yoga for the last couple of weeks, just 10-15 minutes of stretches, trying to build back a little flexibility and strength. It's already helping!

  • Oooo! What’s starlight yoga?!

  • Ha ha, one fat ol' gal on the deck in the altogether, under the stars!

  • Sounds divine! Maybe I should change up my practice to try that!