Inspiration and hope

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  • 40 subscribers

I didn’t want to post on here this soon but my mum reminded me of how useful it was to me at my darkest times to read other members good news stories. I am 36 years old, I have a 4 year old boy and I was diagnosed with anal cancer on 13th January 2022 (T3N1M0) my world fell apart.
I started treatment on 21st February 2022 and finished chemo/radio on 31st March 2022. 
last week I received the results from my first scan, there has been an excellent response and they are struggling to see anything, doctor performed a rectal exam and couldn’t feel anything! 
I am back at work full time and feeling better than I have in a long time (thank you iron infusions). i wanted to share this with everyone as you have helped me more than you will ever know, especially our little group who went through the treatment at the same time! I also wanted to share for new people who are starting their treatment that although it is gruelling and at times feels impossible, there is light at the end of the long dark tunnel. 
I am now waiting another 3 months for next scans but am feeling more positive. 
best wishes to all you amazing people <3 

  • Wow, Bec, I'm so glad you're doing so well, and semi-shocked that they scanned you already (our diagnoses and treatments happened at exactly the same time.) Here in the US (well, at least at the place I'm getting treated) they say that there are too many false positives if they scan any less than 6 months out from the end of treatment.

    I"m a little sad because I was hoping to get scans ordered at last week's appointments, and waiting four more months feels long. But a false positive, in my case, doesn't mean more treatment, it means a colostomy, so I'd rather they wait until all the chemo and radiation is done doing their stuff and out of me.

    False negatives didn't come up in any of our discussions, so I assume that your clean initial scans are truly fantastic news.

    I'm glad your mum talked you into posting!

  • Huge congratulations to you  on your recent results, it’s also great to hear that life’s getting back on track, as we all know a cancer diagnosis turns your whole world upside down & sometimes you dare only to dream of getting back to some kind of normality but here you are! This is why posts such as yours are so important especially to those newly diagnosed or beginning treatment so a big thank you also to your mum for offering the encouragement for you to write this post. Thank you again for the update, I’m over the moon for you. 


  • Hi this is wonderful news and will give hope to others recently diagnosed and undergoing treatment. Thank you very much for sharing! It's interesting to hear what  has said about how scans are not routinely done in the USA state in which she resides for 6 months after treatment. It can be the case that  the tumour hasn't gone completely at the first 3 month scan but has by the time of the 6 month scan. We have had quite a few members of this group that this has happened to. Bev x

  • What a lovely, brave, positive post - thank you for that, I am in awe of how you have coped and got your life back together, even to the extent of being back at work.  Have a lovely summer with your family!

  • Hi, sorry to hear you have to wait so long. My oncologist did say it’s still working and they will scan again in another 3 months and do a scope. He seemed very surprised that it had such a fantastic response on the first scans! Hope it’s not a false positive! We will see at the next ones. 
    All the best 


  • Thank you so much Nicola. It hasn’t been without it’s challenges and there have been some very dark days. My beautiful little boy has been my inspiration and determination to keep going with a smile on my face. I even managed to get involved with his school and help organise the summer fair!   Thank you for your support you are such an asset to this group! Xx

  • Thank you Irene. It’s so important to stay positive and I hope my post gives some comfort to those just starting out on this horrendous journey. There are of course some side effects from the treatment that I need to live with, I still get pain in the top of my legs if I do too much and of course my hope of extending my family (we were trying for a baby before my diagnosis) has ended, but I am grateful for the treatment and will live life to the full as best I can xx

  • Hi Bec

    Thank you for sharing your good news I am so happy for you. I'm half way through the 28 days chemoradiation so to hear such positive news is such a boost for me.

    You are doing amazing just four months after the treatment and from how you felt in January after your diagnosis. Keep living life to the full your little boy will keep that smile on your face Relaxed Carole️

  • Well, in our case it's always profit before health. My oncologist also wants me to get a PT scan, not just a CT, but the insurance company won't cover it. There's just nothing to be done. I hate our system. 
    Doing a 3 month AND a 6 month scan for comparison purposes just makes too much sense. 

  • Hey Bec,

    What a great post!  First, such a hard diagnosis, and I’m sure made more challenging with a preschooler who likely didn’t/doesn’t understand the full ramifications of cancer and its treatments.  I was diagnosed nearly a year ago, just after my 42nd birthday, and I have two elementary aged children, so I have an idea of how challenging you must be finding this time with a young family.  I hope you have had lots of support through the treatments, not just for yourself, but also for your partner and little guy.  I am so, so sorry to hear your hopes of growing your family have been cut short.  My husband and I were fortunate to have completed our family already, and thus did not have to have those conversations, but yeesh, these treatments, though effective, do leave destruction that we can’t discount.

    Next, YAY for great scans and awesome exam results!  We all love to hear good outcomes, every step of the way, so thank you for sharing with us!  May you continue to heal and recover!

    Best wishes!
