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Sorry to ask another question, but I suffer from depression and take tablets everyday I am now 2 weeks past treatment Blush but I am now finding myself getting really low in mood etc even though the symptoms of treatment are easing! Is anyone else suffering with this? Is it normal? Should I contact my gp and get my meds upped or just try to sit it out? 
I have got so much going on in my life right now my sister lives with me and I am her full time carer (severely Down syndrome) a couple of weeks ago she was diagnosed with heart failure so obviously my head is all over the place and I’m wondering if it’s all worth it!? PLEASE help me 

  • You have such a lot going on, you must be overwhelmed.  Please see your doctor, it may be you need extra help during this bad patch.  I am sorry about your sister's diagnosis, I do know that heart failure is very common amongst people with Down's syndrome.  Do you have anyone else to help with her?  You are carrying a lot of responsibility at a time when you so much need nurturing yourself.  I don't know off the top of my head the organisations who can help but perhaps your doctor can help.  Although life may seem bleak at the moment, it IS all worth it.  At a particularly bad time in my life my daughter gave me a little plaque that said 'This too will pass' and it will for you too.  Sending you a big virtual hug.

  • Thank you Blush it’s so hard and heartbreaking Broken heart at the minute to be honest it just feels like it’s one thing after another 

    I have got support and help with my sister but that doesn’t help the “mental” side of things (if that makes sense) the help and supporti get with her personal care and daily care is fantastic my eldest son has moved back in to assist my husband with daily things and my husband has got me a cleaner in so I don’t have to do any chores either I sound like I’m ungrateful but none of this seems to ease my mind 

  • I'm so relieved to hear that you have help with your sister and that you've got cleaning help! That's huge!

    But still SOOOO much on your shoulders, when you are already balls-to-the-wall with handling this cancer treatment. I get a litte shaky thinking about trying to take on that much responsibility in the aftermath of treatment. I never doubted that I was lucky, but when I read things like this it hammers home just how very, very lucky I am to be able to focus entirely on myself. 

    I absolutely think you should discuss this with your GP. Whether or not your meds get adjusted, I don't have the expertise to say, but if you're struggling with depression and being bombarded by stressors, you should ask for all the help you can get. 

    At two weeks I wasn't nearly 'better.' I was shocked at how bad I still was a month out of treatment. I'm not a bit surprised that you're overwhelmed.

    I sure hope your poor sister feels better soon, and that you do too. Huge kudos to your husband and son for stepping up!

  • Depression can be all-consuming and regardless of what else is going on in your life, you don't need guilt thrown into the mix.  If things don't improve please see your GP, he must be aware of everything that is going on your life. Of course you aren't ungrateful, please don't be so hard on yourself.   

  • Hi ,

    It’s a misconception that you have to be going through something awful in your life to suffer with depression. I know you have had a lot going on with your diagnosis & subsequent treatment & now your sisters health issues too but if you’re predisposed to depression then these things have probably just tipped the balance. Maybe you need your medication dosage altering for a short while just to help you through this period. I would contact your GP & speak to them about how you’re feeling & how you’re not coping although you have lots of support around you. Also many GP’s will now refer for talking therapies etc., or give you the information you need to self-refer, possibly a two pronged approach involving adjustments to your medication & some form of counselling could help. 

    I hope you get some help soon. 


  • Hello! Don't be surprised that you didn't achieve the desired result in two weeks, it's normal. Your psyche is weakened due to constant stress, and the positive effect may not appear immediately. My friend was treated for four months before she felt significant relief.  I'd advise you to turn to a qualified psychotherapist because these people know how to adjust thoughts in the right direction. And don't listen to your desire to quit therapy if you suddenly have one. You need to undergo consecutive treatment without pauses. And read articles about something good, choose kindness.