Bowel cancer

  • 5 replies
  • 37 subscribers

Hello everyone I am a 62 year old male and my cancer started in 2019 in my bowel I had a bowel opperation that went well but then my cancer spread to my lung I had a third of my right lung out had lBlushs of chemo went to hell and back got over that felt great then it came in my liver more chemo then a liver opp hell again now its in both lungs it's now not worth operating I have instead to haveBlushore chemo now I feel so well and getting on with my life I know this chemo is going to knock me down again would it be better to refuse more treatment and how long would I live thanks Blush 

  • Hi   I am so very sorry to hear of your situation. Whether or not to have more treatment (with potentially negative side effects), is a deeply personal decision. I think the best starting point would be to have a conversation with your Oncologist (if you have not already done so). The issue  as to how much benefit the chemo would potentially be, must be a horribly difficult question to ask and you may not feel that you could do this. Do you have friends or family you could talk to?  It would help for you to talk through all your options and then come to a decision that's best for you.  Please consider calling the Macmillan Support Services, it is free to call on 0808 808 00 00 .  You could also ask your treating team to refer you for some urgent psychological support.   Sending a virtual hug to you at this difficult time.  Bev. 

  • Thanks Bev I have discussed things with my oncoligist she is great it's just going from feeling great to ahhh after chemo the oncoligist is saying two years but no one knows hope you are doing good lHeartts of love Heart makerfield 

  • Hi ,

    I’m so sorry to hear of your news, I echo all that Bev has said in that this has to be your decision & yours alone, it sounds as though you’ve a great oncologist & that’s really good that she’s supporting you well. I can understand your reluctance to go through more treatment with your past experience, it must be daunting, although once again it’s an extremely personal decision. Is the prognosis of 2 years that your oncologist has mentioned with or without further treatment? 


  • Thank you Nicola I suppose I'm just frightened really my two year prognosis is with treatment which I will go through because I need to try everything to stay alive hope you are doing good love Heart makerfield 

  • That’s completely understandable , you’ve obviously been through the wringer with previous treatment/surgeries etc., so your bound to be frightened I think anyone in your position would be. You’ve been dealing with this awful disease & the treatments for 3 years now & you must be psychologically exhausted from it all. We have a group on the Macmillan site for people that have been given a life limiting prognosis please just let me know if you’d like the link to the group, it may help to speak with others in a similar position to yourself. We’re here to offer support whenever you need us. 
