Any advice please

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I  was diagnosed with stage 3 AC  just before xmas 2021. I had a pet scan which confirmed it had spread to 2 lymph nodes but not to organs .  i started my treatment of radio and chemotherapy in March  and completed my  treatment 15th April 2022 , I had a bit of a  rough time ..2 blood transfusions and a uti which required 2 courses of antibiotics . I unfortunately ended up in hospital for 9 days  at the end of April with perineal sepsis and also have radiation urethritis.. its now been 9 weeks post treatment   but since I came out of hospital I feel worse than before . I am exhausted at the slightest of tasks/walks . I'm still  suffering from constipation ( have done for years !) , I take that many laxatives and stool softners it should sink a battleship ! I was hoping this would get better.  When I do open my bowels it's pain like nothing I can describe ... along with that the pain when i go for a wee too ! I try and anticipate when it's going to happen and take oramorph in advance to help but its not always that easy to know when it's going to happen. When I do need to go I don't get much warning ! I am feeling very low at the minute and my gp has suggested I go on antidepressants which I really don't want to . I have agreed to be referred to iapt for counselling. I have spoken to my gp about how I'm feeling . I was hoping to feel a bit better by now. I have not had a date for my scans yet to see if the treatment is / has done its job so that's weighing heavy on my mind too . I see that some people are back at work by now ...I struggle to do household tasks and simple things let alone go back to work . My gp has reassured me that my body has and is still going through a lot and to take it one day at a time  . Is anyone else struggling still ? I feel like I'm being a wuss and should pull myself together.  I am worried the treatment isn't working as I still have pain in my groin ( lymph nodes ) and the back end is no different   I still pass mucus although not so much blood now ( sorry to be graphic). I would hope to be having a scan date soon  ...does anyone know if I will have an MRI or pet scan again because of the lymph nodes ? Will I have to have an colonoscopy again ? .. what happens if its not been successful.  When I spoke to my macmillan nurse about what happens if not worked he told me we won't go there now.. we'll cross that bridge if it happens . Also has anyone suffered with radiation urethritis and if so how long did it last ( it has been about 8 weeks so far) and if so any tips of how to relieve the pain . 

Sorry if I've waffled on .. just feeling really fed up by everything.  

Thanks Trv

  • Hello Trv,

    Sounds like you have had a really rough time. I think there is definitely a lag in this treatment, and we carry on feeling the effects after it is over, and to have finished nine weeks ago you are bound to still be feeling the effects - please don't think everyone else is bouncing around happily, loads of us take a long time to even begin to feel we are healing and I'm sure others will comment.

    If your GP feels anti depressants would help, I would go with it. Feeling emotionally able to cope will help you deal with the physical things, and allow you to look more positively to the future.

    You are not being a wuss, definitely not; you have had a serious illness which is treatable, although the treatment is harsh. You WILL feel better but it can be a long process and you are making progress.

    The chemo & radiotherapy is very effective so hopefully, like may others here you will have a positive outcome. You are bound to still be feeling some pain and discomfort so stay in touch with your GP and the team where you were treated, they have the specialist expertise to help.

    I suppose the Mac nurse can't give you any false reassurances but you will feel better reading through this forum at other people's positive stories and how the treatment is extremely effective. 

    Many of us have problems 'down below' to different extents and I get the feeling you are a guy (sorry if wrong) but I found it helpful to wee into cool water when I had pain. You can buy a bowl, called a sitz bath, that fits over the toilet seat and you fill with water, then you can just tip it down and flush as usual when you've finished. I found it made it a bit easier, not sure if it would help you.

    Please don't worry about taking time to heal. Get all the help you can.

  • Hi

    thankyou Mrs vanilla for your advice and kind words . It has helped me . I have a sitz bath , I used to sooth my burns etc during treatment but . I may give it another go and see if helps again.  ( I'm a gal by way , not that I've felt very ladylike for a while!  lolGrinWink

    I will continue to take things one day at a time and take comfort from reading all the success stories on here . 

    Thanks again and take care Blush

    Try x

  • Oh sorry Trv - it was the fact you referred to radiation urethritis. I kind of thought that sounded like a 'man' thing as I had not heard the term before, but of course we all have urethras! My apologies. 

    Let us know how you get on, and try to just go with it. I know that is easy to say but there is something about acknowledging you have had a bit of a beating and allowing yourself to accept that it will take time to heal. Be gentle with your body and you will get there.

    All the best

  • Hi Trv, you do seem to have gone through the wars somewhat. No wonder you are feeling the way you do. The radiation urethritis I think is hard to treat and I had this in the early weeks of treatment and was told to drink like a fish! I would drink well diluted cranberry and also drank ginger beer. Lots of drink will make you want to go to the loo but you are diluting your urine. I am a year post treatment and still use my sitz bath sometimes first thing in the morning when I know I am going to be a bit constipated due to eating not the right foods the day before. In my experience the bowels did take at least six months to ease and now I can tolerate the morning one as the skin is not so tender but I do have anal stenosis (narrowing of the bowel). I found the laxatives fine whilst on morphine but once I was off morphine I had to stop the laxatives as they made me loose. It might be worth looking at your diet and finding out what foods help give you a good bowel movement. If I eat beans on toast on whole meal bread I feel great as they make stool soft and give you bulk. If I eat rubbish like biscuits or cake I end up with malteser pooh. Cheese gives me mucus jelly.  I wonder if you should talk to your team about keeping a regular dosage of pain relief in your body for now to help you through this a bit longer rather than just before the pain. Your first scan after 3 months isn’t that accurate as there will still be scarring and the treatment is still working so don’t worry about that. I think six months after treatment gives them a better picture of results. Your tiredness is normal and will take time and you are very early after treatment. I know some on here have benefitted from taking a course of antidepressants and it’s not forever. Your recovery is important and it’s not only physical but mental chaos on us. If you read on here you will find some people recover earlier but that doesn’t mean you won’t get better as time goes on. It took me longer and I am retired so didn’t have to go back to work but I was very active with ramblers which I have not quite managed to get back into due to being away from the toilets all day! I go swimming, tia chi, walking and just started doing weights very gently. What ever happens in the future we can’t control and just take each day as it comes. I have my moments wondering if it will come back somewhere else but we are under the NHS radar and any problems we have we should share with our doctors. I hope you start to feel on the way to recovery soon. Julie

  • Thankyou again .. take care  

    Trv x

  • Hi Julie 

    Thankyou too for all your advice and kind words, I will try and take it all on board . It's reassuring to hear that what I'm going through isn't odd and that there is light at the end of the tunnel so to speak .. x

    Please take care .
