Sensitive tummy??

  • 3 replies
  • 39 subscribers

Hello everyone, I haven’t started treatment yet, 10 days to go yet.  
But I’ve noticed that I can’t seem to eat anything even slightly rich as its causing tummy pains and very soft stools.  
Wondering if anyone else has experienced this , as in is it a side effect of the cancer??

  • Hi  I didn’t personally have those issues until I started treatment. I’d mention this to your treating team to see whether they can offer any assistance.  Certainly during treatment it’s better to have a fairly bland diet and ensure you drink plenty of fluids. I hope treatment goes as well as possible. Bev. 

  • Hi ,

    Welcome to our little corner of the Macmillan online community although I’m really sorry you’ve had the need to find us! 

    Just after my diagnosis I had a range of digestive issues along with no appetite at all although I’m positive this was all down to the stress of the diagnosis & not directly related to the cancer itself. I think mine was the general fight or flight response that causes your body to expel everything in preparation for whatever lay ahead! Once I got my head around what was happening (although I still wonder now 4 years on if I’ve really got my head around it all!) things began to settle down a bit. If you’re concerned don’t ever be afraid to mention these things to your treating team they may have some ideas. 


  • While my system didn't react quite this way, everyone has their own response to the stress and fear that this situation causes. A tender tummy seems like a very normal situation.

    This is a good time to realy start tuning into your body and giving it what it needs, not what your head says it wants. This has been an eye-opener for me in seeing how often i go for something to eat (usually sweet, I'm a 2 year old at heart) to comfort myself. 

    Trying to manage stools, which swing wildly from too soft to too hard, is one of the biggest challenges of treatment. Be kind to yourself.