Not thirsty

  • 4 replies
  • 38 subscribers

Howdy wonderful forum folks. I'm really struggling to drink at the moment. At the start of treatment I bought myself lots of different cordials as I had gone off my normal go to and enjoyed all of them. I've noticed in the last few days I just don't fancy anything. I'm normal a squash person but I just completely lost interest. I finished my treatment on Friday (yay) and always find that Saturday is a low day for me but wondered if anyone experienced the same and whether it is just a short period. 

Cheers x

  • Hi good to hear you've finished treatment! I can't say I had this issue personally, but as I'm sure you know, drinking plenty of fluid is important at this time. Perhaps try some sort of hydration drinks with electrolytes in them (avoid the ones packed with sugar). There are plenty of tasty ones out there. They will help you stay hydrated and perhaps will mean you don't have to drink the volume of fluid that you usually do. Another tip would be to ensure your diet has plenty of high water content foods. Food can be a bit of a minefield at present as there can be issues with high fibre diets post-treatment for some.  I would also give your colo-rectal nurse a call tomorrow and ask for some advice, also check whether you can have the hydration drinks with electrolytes. You could also ask your local pharmacist for advice about the hydration drinks. Hopefully, this is an issue which will resolve soon.  Bev   

  • Thanks for this, very helpful. I have a call scheduled for Wednesday, hopefully I'll get some guidance. 

  • I am exactly the same and I finished treatment 10 weeks ago!  I have all these bottles of squash lying around that don't appeal to me in the least.  The taste is really odd.  I bought some lemon squash, the sharper flavour is better and that is what I am drinking at the moment.  I have totally gone off coffee too.

  • Glad it's not just me. I've found something I like now so happily drinking away again. Could stock a small shop with the other stuff, oh well.