9 month scan results post treatment

  • 4 replies
  • 39 subscribers

Hello everyone, 

Hope you’re all doing well. Thought I’d just update with my 9 month post treatment scans. 

I was Stage III T4 N2 M0 SCC. Scans show an excellent response to treatment. However (isn’t there always one!) there is “an arc of low residual intensity” still at the site of treatment. 

When I went into the consultation my lovely onco’s first words (as has always happened) were “you’re fine”. Then we get down to the nitty gritty but it’s always such a relief and none of this “sooooo, how are you feeling ?” And torturous conversation before finally getting to the point!!!

On the scans (CT and MRI) they believe it to be some fibrosis (scar tissue) but after an internal examination she decided that actually perhaps further confirmation is required 

This is also indicated findings of both scans - basically they hope it’s Fibrosis but can’t be sure without a biopsy and a visual! 

Sooooo having started off as PHEW I’m now slightly in the back foot until the MDT meeting have decided to investigate further although my onco and I agreed that as I’m a private patient we will probably just go ahead and do this as  a precaution. I was badly let down by my GPs who turned me away twice telling me there was nothing wrong with me. This has likely damaged by prognosis considerably which frankly is unacceptable  

So not quite as clear cut this time as I had hoped but really erring on the side of caution  

To add to this I am having unexpected bleeding vaginally depute being in full medical menopause so this also needs investigated. I am assuming this would have lit up on the CT and MRI scans but it is also possible that this bleeding is caused by HRT which stimulates all the hormones again or may be a precursor to uterine cancer - oh super! So quite a lot to think about but I feel great and otherwise very healthy so I’m hoping all a precaution  

We are all thinking about Deborah James (aka Bowelbabe) at the moment - she has made an incredible difference to the bowel cancer community (of which we are included!) a pioneer if you will. We share the same team at The Marsden.  So whilst it may not be the 100% I may have wished for I am thankful that I am at home with my husband and young children tonight. 

Love to us all, it’s no mean feat to battle this terrible disease  let’s have a high 5 for us all!!! and send our love to Deborah and her family 

PPR xx 

  • Hi  whilst your results weren’t quite what you were hoping for they do sound very encouraging. It is quite common for scar tissue to remap at the site. I had to have an investigation under anaesthetic (EUA) and biopsy 11 months after treatment to ensure there were no cancer cells lurking.  It’s re-assuring that you will have further investigations. After what you went through with your GP you can’t have any doubt hanging over your head.  Deborah has been in my thoughts since last night when I read her final instagram post. It’s so incredibly sad and yet without her lots of people would have remained undiagnosed. I’m glad she’s aware that her Bowelbabe fund has smashed £1.4M in less than 24 hours!  What a tribute to her and all her hard work. Bev x

  • Oh Bev, thank you so much. It’s so encouraging to hear that!!! 

    I know, what an incredible legacy she will leave. When I think of all that she has been through but yet still found the time to do all of this too… 

    But then that’s just what I think about you lovely ladies on here being our community champions and sharing all that you’ve learned on your journey. We owe you a huge debt of gratitude!! Thank you!!!


  • Hi 

    I’d just like to echo what Bev has said in reply to your post, it’s unnerving when there’s a ‘but’ at your surveillance appointments & it can so easily take you right back to the very beginning of your journey again but as Bev has said & I’m sure as an active member on our group you already know that quite a few people have EUA’s & biopsies following treatment to check out what in the most part results in being scar tissue. It’s great that your team are being so proactive especially with your previous experience with your GP, you sound as though you’re in safe hands. 

    I too went to bed last night thinking of the wonderfully inspirational Deborah James having read her final Instagram post, she has shown such selflessness throughout her battle with this awful disease in raising awareness & I hope the Bowelbabe fund absolutely goes through the roof as a lasting tribute to her life, tenacity & strength. 

    I hope you hear something soon. 
