Vaginal bleeding…. started this evening

  • 10 replies
  • 39 subscribers

Hello all, 

So I’m now 8 months post treatment and although I had a period during my treatment they stopped immediately after that. 

The last couple of weeks I’ve had a low ache and then this evening some bleeding has appeared (definitely vaginal). 

I’ve been on full HRT since September and was told that as I’m now 52 and because of the treatment that I would be in full menopause (certainly had the symptoms before my HRT kicked in!). 

Anyone else had their periods return many months  after chemoradiation? I’m a bit confused. 

And even more annoying I had a telephone consultation today a cancer specialist at the Chelsea & W hospital menopause clinic and she actually asked me if I’d had any bleeding post treatment and I said no! She said if I did I should call GP immediately. Then this evening…. I have bleeding. I can’t believe it!!!  I don’t even have a number to contact them! Arghhh

Should have asked her if bleeding occurred what would it be? Now I’m all worried. 

Any advice would be most welcome!!! Hope everyone is all doing well. 

PPR xx 

  • Hi  what a shame this didn’t happen before your appointment yesterday! I take it you’re on period free HRT. I started this a couple of months ago. I was told that if I started bleeding then I was to contact my GP. Depending on the length of the bleeding the GP said she may advise to stop the HRT to see if the bleeding stopped. I’d give your GP a call asap. Hope this gets sorted out, you don’t need any more worry! Bev. 

  • Good morning Bev ,

    Many thanks  for your reply. I know!!! I couldn’t believe it when I started to bleed just a couple of hours after the menopause nurse  had said that. 

    So obviously I had a mahoosive silly panic and googled until goodness knows what time. I’m lucky to have great GP now who called me first thing and she is arranging an urgent ultrasound. 

    It maybe that my periods are returning (bit of a turn up for the books!) or maybe that the lining of my womb is too thick and is shedding as may need more progesterone and a procedure. Either way we need to find out (def not a UTI as still had my test sticks from hospital last year). 

    It is a very very light bleed wore a pad all night and nothing until the morning when I went to the loo (sorry tmi!). Also I feel fantastic so I really think it’s going to be ok. 

    You just cannot help having a tiny panic once you’ve had cancer. Esp as I was told that I would never have another period!!! 

    I’ll keep you posted and write up what happens just for any future people with similar circumstances. Fingers crossed! Xx

  • Hi @prettypinkroses I’m glad to hear that your GP is so on the ball.   I agree, there is always that horrible nagging doubt post-cancer when health issues crop up. I hope this all gets sorted asap. Thanks for agreeing to post with an update. It really does benefit others on here. Bev. X

  • Hi ,

    I don’t have much to add I’m afraid, hopefully it’ll turn out to be just one of those hiccups that come along now & again to keep us on our toes! I’m pleased to hear your GP is being vigilant. I hope you hear of your ultrasound appointment soon & all goes well. 


  • Mini update:- 

    I had my ultrasound scan done and all looked fine. It was a vaginal ultrasound so I was a bit nervous despite having used my dilators but it was absolutely fine! Lovely kind gentle nurse I needn’t have worried at all!!  They were looking to check ovaries (looked fine) and lining of the womb. If this is too thick it can be a sign of Endometrial Hyperplasia which can be an indication of later cancer. Luckily lining was 3.2 which is absolutely fine. 

    So we still don’t know why I bled. I am waiting for the nurse at Chelsea & W post cancer menopause to come back to me. It could be I need to tweak my HRT (maybe too much oestrogen and not enough progesterone) but good to know it’s nothing sinister going on. Phew! CT and MRI (my 9 month scans) this Thursday is also well timed for a double check! 

    I will update you once I have more info just in case this happens to anyone else in the future. Hope you’re all doing ok. 

    Best wishes

    PPR x 

  • That all sounds like really positive news , it makes complete sense that it may just be a tweak to your HRT that’s needed, hopefully this will avoid it happening again, it doesn’t take much to send us into a tailspin does it? Good luck for your scans on Thursday too, keep us updated. 


  • Hi that is reassuring news, thanks for the update. Hope all goes well with your scans this week.  Bev x

  • UPDATE:- 

    Hello all, well ultrasound as below all fine. Had another telephone consultation with the nurse at Dr Panay’s clinic at Chelsea & W. 

    Interestingly she says you can’t use the word “never” after our cancer treatment. I was told I would be post menopausal and never have another period… however the HRT I take (Oestrogel and Utrogestan) stimulates the womb lining. So it is indeed possible, if your system is that way inclined (usually much younger patients, for a period to return though highly unlikely this will make me fertile (phew Don’t need anymore babies at 52! Ha ha ha  

    We are going to do some hormone blood tests whilst I’m taking the usual amount of HRT I have been taking these last few months and this will tell us whether I am Oestrogen or Progesterone dominant  and then we can adjust the dose accordingly. Most important the scan showed no thickening of the lining of the womb (that’s considered dangerous - it can lead to cancer in a few cases), my ovaries were fine and detected no fibroids  

    I was of course worried because unusual bleeding when you’re told those days are over is of great concern but looks like it’s all under control and I’m just an anomaly! 

    My 9 month CT & MRI scans results are back next Tuesday so I will keep you posted. Feeling great and more myself than I have in years! There will always be bumps in the road for us but hopefully with sharing information we can help each other.

    love to all

    PPR xx 

  • Hi   this must be a relief for you!  That's very interesting information, I had no idea that the hormone tests you mentioned existed.   Keeping everything crossed for you for next Tuesday. Bev x 

  • Hi ,

    Thanks for the update & I'm pleased that you seem to be getting somewhere & further investigations as to your hormone levels are going ahead. I agree that sharing information helps. All the very best of luck with your results next week. 
