
  • 4 replies
  • 39 subscribers

Hi. New to this. I have recently been diagnosed and start my treatment for chemoradiotherapy in 4 weeks time. I havent really came to terms with it yet and it still doesnt feel real. I have hundreds of questions to ask, but I will start with this one...... I am just wondering if anyone had numb/tingly butt cheek, right down leg and into thier foot. My left side from butt cheek is really numb/tingly and feels huge. The right foot is just starting to do the same. Was wondering if I should be worried or is it bcoz the cancerous cell is leaning on a nerve. Hope someone can help.

  • Hi ,

    Firstly welcome to the Macmillan online community although I’m really sorry that you’ve had the need to find us. 

    Where you are right now really is the worst place! It’s really is a scary & bewildering place but you’re no longer alone, there are many of us here that have been in your position & can offer a sympathetic ear & we’re armed with lots of helpful tips & advice on getting through this. .

    Getting your head around something like a cancer diagnosis can take time. When I was diagnosed, a little over 4 years ago, like you’ve described, it didn’t feel real, it felt as though I was watching it happen to someone else. This is where this forum helped me. Like you I had a million & one questions all of which were answered honestly but with total empathy. It was good to talk to others that were or had been in a similar position to myself. The support I received was amazing & I even found a lovely lady that began treatment at the same time as me & even though we were opposite ends of the country we became treatment buddies & were in daily contact. 

    On to your question, it sounds to me as though this may be nerve related. Have you been assigned a specialist nurse? Some people are some aren’t. If so I’d give her/him a call just to get some professional advice as they may be able to give you some ideas on how you might be able to relieve it a bit. If you don’t have a specialist nurse then I’d give your treating team or consultant a call & ask their advice as with it possibly being 4 weeks until your treatment begins you really don’t want to be in this kind of discomfort for that length of time if there’s something that may alleviate it. If you manage to speak to someone please let us know how you get on. 


  • Hello @cheesecake37, I just wanted to reassure you. I had the same thing. Whilst waiting for colonoscopy before I was diagnosed my left buttock and top of left leg started going numb. I immediately called consultant who brought forward my colonoscopy and biopsy. It was indeed the tumour lying on the main nerve to my leg. Try not to worry, this will be relived once treatment starts but you should let your team know asap so they can assess you. 

    As soon as I started treatment this nerve resolved. It may be you could use some nerve pain relief and they will advise you in this too. 

    It’s all a worry at the moment for you, we totally understand so please feel free to ask us anything and let us know how you get on. 

    Best wishes 

    PPR x 

  • Hi Nicola. Thanks for your message. I have been sent for another MRI just to check what the cause is. So I go tomorrow morning. Hopefully I get to the bottom of it, as it's starting to get really annoying now. I would also like to thank this group as I have found alot of reassuring information from the group, just by reading every comment. It had helped ease alot of my worry. Still doesnt feel real, but I'm sure with the support of friends and family aswell as this group, I will get there. So thank you very much for everything. Xx

  • Aw this is so reassuring. I have another MRI scan tomorrow to check what the problem is, but now I know that this might be the case, I'm thinking I may not have something else wrong with me. So thank you very much for your reply. It has really made me less worried abt the tingling/numb sensation. Xx