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So since I got my results on Friday I seem to have had a lot of pain on my cheeks of my bottom , could this be psychological due to getting results ? Wasn’t this sore before although I did have some pain 

  • Hi Poohbear, sorry to hear you’re in pain. It’s of course possible it could be psychological but if you are in continuing pain it is more likely related to the tumour. I would mention this to your oncologist and also see what pain relief they can prescribe. What are your next steps? Have you got a treatment start date? Sorry I couldn’t be more helpful but someone else on here may have more experience. Xx

  • Haven’t got a treatment plan yet , waiting for a scan date , only got results and confirmation of cancer on Friday . 
    it’s hard to describe the pain but I know it is linked , my cheeks on my bottom are like an open wound , very red and raw , I do have a couple of lumps but it hasn’t been this bad before Cry 

    thank you for your reply xx

  • Oh gosh that sounds so incredibly painful. What pain relief have you been given? I was also in considerable pain before starting treatment and couldn’t sit down however once the treatment started that pain went. Can you see your doctor to make sure nothing is infected? Xx

  • Only pain relief I’ve had is ibuprofen and paracetamol, nothing else has been offered , I have a number for a bowel cancer nurse who we spoke to on Friday and she said I could ring her if any questions before getting my appointment at Christie’s so might give her a ring tomorrow and see what she suggests x 

  • Hi , I think giving the nurse a ring is the right call in this situation. It’s always best to contact a medical professional regarding pain relief especially as you’ve only just received your diagnosis. You’ll have scans, treatment options to discuss which will possibly require planning scans etc., & you don’t want to be in so much pain throughout all this if there’s something like infection that can be treated or just a more effective pain medication that can be prescribed. I hope you find some relief from this soon, pain can be so exhausting. 


  • Rang the nurse and left a message , had a call later from Macmillan nurse but was in work so will ring tomorrow x

  • Hi, when I had what i was told was piles I was managing on just paracetamol but was still sore. Once I knew it was cancer I was given morphine for the pain. I never would have asked for anything stronger for piles. Strange how our minds work. Hope you got sorted x

  • I’ve been taking ibuprofen but it’s not working as well now , spoke to the Macmillan lady - not a nurse as I first thought - she suggested speaking to doctor but also had a call from a nurse at hospital to see how I was getting on , again missed it with being in work so will ring tomorrow and ask her advice 

  • Contacted the nurse re the pain , she suggested going to my own doctor which I did and he has given me codeine and Fingers crossed they seem to be helping a lot x