Starting treatment

  • 11 replies
  • 41 subscribers
  1. Hi begin treatment today four days in Hospital with chemo and radiation and radiation and finally another 4 days hospital any one starting today
  • Thanks got a wee room to myself at moment 

  • Hi ,

    Hope all’s gone well for you today. 


  • It has not allowed to use the Strataxrt until after treatment

    • Hello , did they say why they had advised you not to use the StrataXRT until after treatment? It is specifically made for use during as a preventative measure. Seems strange? It is a new treatment and very effective at saving the skin from severe reactions which is imperative for patient comfort and well being. Might be worth asking them to look into it first before saying you shouldn’t use it especially if it can help you! 
      Hoping all goes well for you. PPR x 
  • I didn’t use this gel  but I know a few people have, I used what was provided by my team, that consisted of QV cream to begin with the flaminal cream when my skin began to react then Flamazine after my treatment had finished. 


  • They said they just wanted me to use cream provided betivate at night and aquious 4 times a day

  • This is likely because they do not have info on StrataXRT- please ask them to look into it on your behalf. It really is a case of some hospitals are ahead of others. Totally dependant on your oncologist and team. This is a fully licensed and tested gel that is new to market and it gives you a higher chance of a more comfortable treatment and better outcome long term in regard to skin issues. Definitely definitely worth the battle to use it! Xx 

  • I am going to try again going home tomorrow then 3 weeks off radiation and hospital 5 days 

  • Hello Blackpudding maybe they just want their patients to follow their usual regime. Like PPR said, it seems very strange as I did an awful amount of investigation on this gel and even contacted Leeds cancer hospital as they did research on this gel and it got the thumbs up. The NHS will not provide it as it’s very expensive and as we know cost is a big factor when it comes to providing medical creams etc. I bought one tube (the largest) which is sufficient to use all they way through treatment. After radiotherapy if you wash then you need to reapply so that it is in contact with your skin 24/7 and when treatment finishes you continue using for two to four weeks. If it was me and it’s my body I would want to know why they are refusing to let you use this when there is no explanation. My oncologist was given the information from the provider and she was completely happy for me to use. My skin on the outside held up well but I did get sore from within. I had six weeks of chemotherapy and some have less weeks or maybe more in which you may need to get the smaller tube next. I couldn’t use the silver based gels or the honey based creams as they just burned.