Question re recovery and having familiar symptoms again 7 months post treatment

  • 5 replies
  • 39 subscribers

Morning all, 

I hope you’re all well. Quick question for those who are further down the line. I’m 7 months post treatment and just started having a few familiar symptoms again….

I know it’s quite possibly normal but checking with you all just in case! 

I had my 6 month scans and all clear in mid Feb so I’d be very surprised if it is anything!

Skin down there has been really rather itchy (increasing as the days go on), I did have some anal pains (that sort of signal pain that just is short and sharp and lasts just a second or two) but that was back in Jan/Feb whereas now I have an ache low down at the front that is reminiscent of period pain but v low down just above public bone (I obviously don’t have periods anymore as my ovaries have been nuked in the treatment)  I do take the HRT gel and progesterone. My anal cancer was v low down and although it hadn’t broken through the vaginal wall it was on its way. 

And today after a bowel movement (was soft sorry if tmi !!) and there was some blood afterwards just when wiping. Only a little but it’s been a long time since I have seen any blood and in fact when I had my cancer I only had a handful of occasions that I had any blood. Have also noticed an increase in mucus when passing stools. I had a quick look this morning as was so itchy last night it woke me up and then the bleeding this morning (internally not externally) and when I had my cancer there was a bit that protruded very slightly out and this had totally disappeared I thought but now looks as if it’s back.

As you can imagine my mind is in overdrive…. 

Any thoughts advice most welcome. Have emailed my team at The Marsden. I’m due back their beginning of May. Hoping they’ll get back to me today. 

PPR xx 

  • Morning, sorry not able to help with your symptoms as I am a much newer case, but just wanted to send some thoughts to you. I hope it turns out to be nothing, but if they have sorted you out before, I am sure they can help again. You seem to be really proactive, so I'm sure things will move quickly for you with the hosp, and you'll get some answers.

    All the best xx

  • Thank you  I’ll keep you all posted, likely nothing at all and I’m just having a wobble. I read every bit of this forum when I was first diagnosed and I’m sure I remember  saying symptoms often pop back up. This forum is just amazing source of information, tips and kindness. Good luck with your journey! Xx 

  • Hi ,

    I had similar symptoms post treatment for quite some time. The new skin was incredibly sensitive & did itch quite often, I took antihistamines for this & moisturised A LOT! I also had blood, exactly as you’ve described, when wiping & there’d often be blood in the toilet too if I’d had a difficult bowel movement or I’d gone with particular urgency (this still happens from time to time even now) but never any bleeding unconnected with going to the loo. I’ve never suffered from mucus but I know many people do. I also would go days sometimes in the early days with a dull ache in my groin. I always made my oncologist and surgeon aware of these things at appointments etc., & have always been told these symptoms are to be expected although both have always said if I had any heavy or prolonged bleeding or any new lumps or bumps appear to get in touch & they would see me.

    I hope you hear something soon from your team, you’ve done the right thing containing them, they may see you a little sooner just to check you over which I know in my case was the only thing that really put my mind at rest. Let us know how you get on. 


  • Many thanks  chatted with my team yesterday. I said I’d keep an eye on things and keep them posted. I’m due back to see them at the beginning of May but they’ll arrange a sigmoidoscopy before then if I feel things aren’t right. 

    I think I just panicked. I knew I’d read on here from you and several others that these symptoms occur randomly (just to keep us on our toes!) and I know how new and sensitive everything can be down there, 

    I think it’s a case of I didn’t do anything about my symptoms originally really which is probably why I ended up at Stage III. I just kept thinking it was nothing to worry about. So now it’s difficult  not to have the fear! Feeling more rational now  Slight smile

    Many thanks as always Nicola! Xx

  • It’s only natural following any major health scare that we become super vigilant over our body’s. I had a couple of BCC’s removed from my back around 18 months after my treatment for anal cancer & my oncologist said because I’d had those I could be prone to more & although I know they’re usually easily dealt with they’re still a form of skin cancer & I’m keen at checking my skin now as well as my butt!! I no longer sit in the sun the way I used to & when I know I’m going to be exposed for any length of time I have a high factor suncream on. If you’re ever concerned your team should be willing to see you & carry out relevant checks as you’ve said yours will so don’t ever hesitate contacting them in the future, my oncologist always told me ‘that’s what they’re there for’. 
