Some good news to share!

  • 16 replies
  • 45 subscribers

Dear lovely Macmillan friends, 

Well the results are in from my 6 month scans and I am 100% cancer free! 


I know that some of you are going through the mill at the moment and wanted to share some news that hopefully might inspire you. I was afterall a late Stage III diagnosis T4 N2 M0 with two large tumours and lymph nodes,  caught literally in the nick of time before heading to Stage IV which is treatable but not curable. 

So I hope that gives you guys some hope out there. No it’s not easy. Yes there are times I felt like giving up. But I can hardly believe it. In 6 months I’ve gone from the worst day of my life to the best!  I can’t believe in such a short space of time I am actually cancer free! It’s truly amazing. I feel very very lucky. 

So keep positive all. I know all our journeys are different but this is eminently a very treatable cancer so we have hope. And Hope is what gets us through. 

Off for a mighty big glass of champagne and a ruddy good nights sleep for once!!! 

Love to all xx thanks everyone on here, what an incredible forum of incredible people, I feel lucky to have found this place!!! Xxxx