6 month scans - quick question!

  • 3 replies
  • 39 subscribers

Hello lovely peeps! Hope you’re all doing ok.  Heart

Quick question for those in the know…

Just had my 6 month MRI and PET FDG CT scan (the one with the intravenous radiotracer).  Basically the scan that tells you if the treatment has worked I suppose! As my 3 month scan showed some take up still but this apparently is quite normal and 3 months can shows the treatment is “working” rather than  “worked” as I suppose at Stage III and with two tumours that was to be expected! 

So at the 6 months scan did any of you have tumour marker blood tests along with these scans? 

Many thanks

PPR xxx 

  • Hi! 

    I had an MRI at 6 months and that was it - no intravenous radiotracer - which makes me wonder if I should have had it!! I’ve also been told now no scans until October - which means I’ll be almost a year without any scans, which worries me a bit if I’m honest!! Good luck for your scan, sounds like they are really looking after you! x

  • Hello  hope you’re well. Thanks for replying. Sorry I just reread my message above and I realised it sounds like I’m saying the trace scan is the one that tells you if the treatment has worked when what I actually meant was that it is the six month scans whatever type is the the time when you should know that the treatment has worked. 

    I think they do both scans in some instances and not all. I had two tumours both large (I was stage III and T4 tumours) plus lymph nodes involvement so maybe that’s why. Could also be that it’s because I’m private insurance and quite frankly they’ll add on anything because it makes them money!!!

    The FDG PET tracer is the radioactive sugar solution that any stray cancer cells suck up and they glow on the scan. The MRI is a more detailed picture so I think they like to compare the two for accuracy.

    Because my cancer had already made an escape from the original site ie the main tumour in the anal canal, I think they like to make sure it’s not still on a jolly round my body. 

    I guess I’ll find out this afternoon so fingers crossed. Haven’t slept a wink and am going to have to keep myself busy and distracted until then. 

    I was just surprised that they called me firstly to say could I come in rather than do by video call… always a bit of a red flag and then also saying they’d like tumour marker blood tests. She did backtrack and say they usually like to do these too as a matter of course but by then suspicion had set in for me! 

    So as the blood results wouldn’t be back in time for results this afternoon I said I’d come in later this week for those because quite frankly if the scans are clear then why would I need blood tests? Arghhh it’s the wait for the results. I’ve never had to wait before always had them at my clinic within 24-48hrs which I know is unusual but I’ve changed my care to The Royal Marsden so it’s a week wait there. Anyway only a few hours to go!  I feel bad for the lady on here that’s been waiting for two weeks for her results!!!! How terrible! Seems an inordinately long time. 

    sending love to all  xx 

  • Hi ,

    I had both an MRI & CT with contrast at 6 months post treatment but don’t recall having any blood tests once treatment was finished. Once those 6 month scans were done I was then only scanned on an annual basis, initially physical examinations were 3 monthly, then 6 monthly & now I’m on annual check-ups.

      annual scans seem to be the norm in the most part as follow-up, I’ve always been told by both my oncologist & surgeon that digital rectal examinations (DRE’s) are by far the best & most reliable way to check for abnormalities & recurrence. Hope that eases your concerns a little. 
