Painful Bowel Movements

  • 6 replies
  • 40 subscribers

Hi all, due to surgery before chemoradiotherapy I developed a external pile. Oh so sore now with the painful bowel movement. Constant itching driving me insane and last night was the worst. I tried gisil, germaloid cream, sudocrem but I am still itching to the point it is taken over my thinking. I sit in a sitz bath three times a day and as I am still oozing the green mucus which irritates and can’t stop it I am desperate. After the treatment is a life of painful bowel movements something I am to live with. Only had a couple of hours sleep after just collapsing with exhaustion so feeling quite emotional. If I ring and tell the hospital they will tell me to do what I am already doing so it’s really frustrating 

  •  Hi Julie, sorry you’re having such a bad time - you’re at the worst point now & it will start to improve soon.

    life of painful bowel movements is absolutely NOT what is likely!  About 3 weeks after my last treatment, bowel movements stopped hurting.  After months of intense pain it felt amazing & I’m still grateful every day to poo without pain.

    Things haven’t worked exactly the way I hoped, but are so much better than what I fearedBlush  x  toni

  • Hi ,

    I’m so sorry you have all of this pain & discomfort going on right now but as Toni has already said this will improve. 3 years post treatment I still take a stool softener each day to keep things on the softer side but this is due to a level of stenosis now rather than pain. Have you tried an antihistamine for the itching yet? I took piriton for that dreaded itch & it helped a lot! Keep on top of your pain relief too. 


  • Thank you both for your replies. Yes I have tried antihistamine but not sure they are the right sort as I bought a load from amazon last year. I have had a day of just laying down trying to ease it. I phoned my pharmacy for advice and she said to try anusol (purple box) which she said will sooth the area. My husband trotted down to collect some but it was still hurting as I have a little sore near the area which is raw. The last resort was to sit on the sitz bath with a teaspoon of extra virgin oil which I read is soothing and leaves the skin moisturised. Will let you know how that goes. I am back on the morphine too.

  • Hello  just a thought but I was advised to buy some Instillagel to use before bowel movements. It has an anaesthetic in it. Apparently you can use this on piles too (though may sting a bit initially but will quickly stop as anaesthetic kicks in). You can buy it online and they come in 6ml and 11ml prepared syringes. I’ve just used it for the first time today as I have been in terrible pain all day. Can confirm it works brilliantly and also quickly!  You can buy it from a chemist (might be worth ringing them and asking can they get it quickly for you (though they may have to order it in) or online from here

    I bought the 11ml as sees to be same price and you can pop the cap back on and reuse the syringe if you don’t need it all in one go, little goes a long way!). It was my oncologist who recommended the Instillagel and I have to say it’s a godsend! 

    Hope you feel better soon! 
    best wishes

    M x

  • Thank you for the info about the instigel. I will certainly try this. I am also starting to sit in a very cool sitz bath which helps a bit. It has been nearly four weeks since the radiotherapy stopped which has been very disappointing that it seems to be taking longer than I expected.

  •  Instillagel Is worth trying - I got it on prescription from my GP.  It helped for a few weeks  x  toni