Pain again

  • 4 replies
  • 37 subscribers

Hey all,hope you’re all dong ok! 
So I’ve been ok for nearly 6 months and have a scan on 20th,hoping the 1 cm of something will be gone! 
I decided to sort out the shed and fair bit of heavy lifting etc .. Since then I’m in so much pain after bm.. Panicking so much it has come back or maybe good old piles or have I just overdone it? Xx

  • Hi glad to hear the last 6 months has been ok for you. A lot of people on here report pain after bm's post-treatment, this is due to the narrowing (stenosis) of the anus following radiotherapy. Also, the radiation has a different effect upon people's bowels. Mostly I don't get constipation but when I do, I take stool softeners (Laxido), not laxatives as my Oncologist said they would be too harsh. Also, drinking plenty of water helps. It may be just a coincidence that the pain with bm's happened after you cleaned out your shed (well done by the way, I keep putting off jobs like that!), I'm just wondering whether you have done anything different in terms of your diet. After treatment it's only natural to worry about it coming back, every twinge brings some anxiety. You're probably due another DRE (digital rectal examination) soon which should put your mind at rest and hopefully your scan will show good results. Bev x

  • Hi ,

    I’m pleased you’re doing well. We all get to know what’s ‘normal’ for us following this treatment & in the early days if I overdid things I too would get quite sore again. Now it’s only usually following a difficult BM that this happens & I had a very thorough DRE at my appointment last week & boy did that kick things off again! It’s always worth getting things checked out if anything crops up that’s out of the ordinary for you. It’s good timing with your scan appointment this week. I’m 3 years post treatment & still get the odd time when I’m sore but these episodes are few & far between now thankfully. 

    Wishing you lots of luck for your scan this week I’ve got everything crossed for you Fingers crossed


  • Hi Bev,it was painful at first just after treatment and everything settled nicely,except something external which was mild pain.No constipation or diarrhoea really .. Just can’t understand why it’s so bad now and sounds weird but I can’t work out if it’s internal or external pain.Thankyou for your reply .. Sharon x

  • Hi Nicola,oh bless you,just the thought of a DRE makes me squirm at the moment! .. Hope you’re feeling better now.I don’t really suffer difficult bms so really don’t understand it .. Back on Ibuprofen and Paracetamol .. Feelslike it’s set me right back.Like you say,good timing with scan Thursday! Thankyou for your reply .. Sharon x