Recurring anal & lymph node cancer

  • 5 replies
  • 38 subscribers

I had a tumour removed February 2020 followed by chemoradiation which was for 5.5 weeks eventually felt more myself when in June the PET scan showed a small amount of activity, it was left until October as it was thought this activity would die off. PET scan & MRI in October showed activity in right groin lymph nodes, so I then had a lymph node dissection at beginning of December 2020.

February 2021 PET scan & MRI showed activity at site of original tumour and again in lymph nodes in right groin.

I have been told I’m now incurable but they are trying to manage with Chemotherapy I’ve had 2 cycles 3rd is next week then a MRI to see if responding if so another 3 cycles are planned.

I feel well in my self except after chemo which is all days& then a pump for 96 hrs so usual side effects. Has any one else been in this position? So many people have breast cancer but there are only a few of us who have anal cancer.

thank you 

  • Hi ,

    Firstly can I say how very sorry you’re facing this situation. Hopefully the chemotherapy will resolve things with your lymph nodes & hold everything at bay. 

    I think we’d all be incredibly surprised if we learnt the amount of people around us that are actually living with cancer. A colleague of mine at work is doing just that, original diagnosis was malignant melanoma & it has travelled around her body, she’s had radiotherapy to a lesion on her brain, surgery for a kidney lesion & is now having regular immunotherapy & she’s living her life almost as she was prior to her diagnosis apart from regular blood tests, twice yearly scans & obviously her treatment. I’m also aware of someone else on one of our other support groups that’s been living with cancer for around 20 years now, it’s amazing what advancements in treatment can do. 

    I know we’ve had a couple of people through the forum that have been in a similar situation to yourself although I’m not sure how active they still are on the site. 

    I’m pleased that you’re feeling well, long may that continue for you. Thankfully anal cancer is still quite rare although unfortunately cases do seem to be on the rise. 


  • Hi I'm so sorry that you've had this news. It must be very difficult for you to deal with. Personally I know someone living with incurable cancer, he is stable and although he has treatment on/off is now into year 4 of this diagnosis . We have had people in the group who have received this diagnosis. I know one became a member of  the Living With Incurable Cancer Group, it may be worth you posting in there. They are a fantastic group who I am sure will be able to offer valuable advice. Just click on the following link and it will take you to that group   Bev x

  • Thank you very much  

    Sandra x

  • Hi no worries and please come back on for support any time. I have everything crossed that your next MRI scan shows an improvement. Bev x