Ongoing nausea and sickness

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can I ask, I am now 5 weeks post chemo and radiotherapy, I still feel very nauseous and struggle to eat, I am on anti emetics. 
Has or is anyone going through this? Was hoping it would have gone/ faded by now, it’s soul destroying feeling sick all the time. 

  • Hi . I’m sorry to hear you’re feeling like this.  I was ok for a few weeks after treatment but then began suffering nausea again so took my anti sickness tablets for a few weeks. The nausea then went away I’ve no idea what caused it and neither did my Oncologist. Feeling sick all the time is dreadful. Perhaps call your nurse/Oncologist for some advice? Perhaps your anti sickness tablets could be changed. Bev. 

  • Hi Sozza, I was 6 weeks post treatment yesterday and I still have  bouts of nausea. Just thinking about eating certain foods turns my stomach. I eat what I I fancy regardless of if it's deemed healthy or not. I've had times when I've only eaten fresh cream trifles then ryvita crackers with tomatoes and olives and even McDonald's smartie mcflurry's almost all high in calories so I haven't lost too much weight just 1 and half stone. I was given cyclizine to take 3 times a day to prevent the sickness symptoms and Ondansetron to take with them if they didn't work. I'm certainly not as bad as I was so I'm certain that the nausea will soon be over. The important thing is to make sure that you eat when you can and as many calories as you can. My nurses all told me eat what ever I wanted. Thank godess I wasn't craving champagne and caviar!! Xxx Marie 

  •   Please will you be my nutritionist? - I thought fresh cream trifles then ryvita crackers with tomatoes and olives and McDonald's smartie mcflurry's were illicit substances, didn’t realise you could get them on prescriptionJoy

    I’ve just started eating again after finding in the grossest possible way that we’d overdone it with laxatives.  Yep, even in this top hospice it’s still trial & error.

    But a nurse has just gIven me a large espresso from the staff canteen.  Add milk & sugar & it’s almost macchiatoYum  Life suddenly seems so much better xxx toni

  • Haha, you keep enjoying those mock macchiato's they'll put hairs on your chest. Sadly I'm fancying jacket potatoes now.. not quite as rock and roll sounding as the fresh cream trifles and ice cream diet.  Hope that your pain is still under control even if your bum needs a telling off. Xxx Marie 

  • Nothing sad about jacket potatoes, that was my lunch today & is one of my favourite cafe meals.  Possibly even a girl’s best friend.  But I’m not sure about the hairs on my chest...

    I do suspect you of being a rock & roller though Marie  xxx  toni 

  • Thank you Marie, as I only have a small bowel my oncologist seems to think radiotherapy has hit my lower digestive tract causing ongoing nausea. Awful thing is I don’t even fancy food, so strugglingCryand when I eat it makes me feel worse. Really hope it starts to ease soon as I have massive surgery coming up and worried I won’t be fighting fit Cry xxx