
  • 4 replies
  • 37 subscribers

Hi guys, 

I finished my chemo/radiotherapy almost 4 weeks ago. I was really tired and sore the first week but then quickly recovered with the help of oral morphine, water wipes and bathing my bum in warm water and Epsom salts! 

I was wondering how long you all waited before having a drink? I only drink wine at the weekends anyway, but haven’t touched a drop since my treatment started. I’m so looking forward to a nice glass of wine again and would greatly appreciate any advise. 


  • Hi @Etta J congratulations on finishing your treatment and you've done well with recovering so quickly! I started to have a couple of glasses of white wine quite soon after finishing treatment although if I had too much it would upset my stomach and give me diarrhoea. I had a couple of glasses of red about a year after my treatment and had an accident so that's off the drinks menu now. So long as you're not on any medication that you shouldn't drink with I would suggest just starting with one drink and see how you get on . My bowels were quite sensitive after treatment. I'm pleased to say I can drink quite a lot now without it upsetting my bowels (just not red wine though!). Bev x

  • Hello there! 
    well done on being through treatment!!!!! 
    I missed a glass of white wine so much too! 
    I waited 6 weeks after treatment ended because I was on morphine too. I was fine just one or two, definitely has an effect on making bowel loser but make sure you eat with it!!! Stay near a loo!!! (Not that we can go far anyway!) 

    good luck and hope you can enjoy a bit of normality again xxxx 

    • Hi Bev, thank you so much for your reply - it’s most appreciated. My bowels are still sensitive, if I eat too much veg (especially green) it’s not good news so I’ve ended up keeping a food diary so that I know what foods to avoid. As I’m vegetarian it’s tough having to cut down on veg! I’m view if this, I’ll wait another week before trying one glass and see how I get on. Thanks once again, Sharon x
  • Hi angusandgus8yvn, thank you so much for your reply, it is most appreciated. After reading the advice from yourself and Bev, I’ll wait another week before trying a glass of wine to see how I get on as that will be almost 6 weeks since treatment ended. I read your profile, we are the same age and very similar in our backgrounds. I’m even vegetarian so still at a loss as to how I’ve ended up with this! Thanks once again, Sharon xxx