Catch up

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  • 39 subscribers

Afternoon all, hope you're all ok. Well I've had a busy morning. Had to call an ambulance for hubby as I thought he was having a heart attack. He come over all shivery and his breathing was rapid. He had a heart attack 3 years, so I wasn't taking chances. He's still at the hospital now having bloods and a chest x-ray. Have to say the ambulance team were marvellous, never a dull moment!

 Had a letter today from the hospital to see a cororectal surgeon on Monday afternoon, wasn't expecting to hear anything so quick, so a step forward in the right direction, not sure he'll be the right person, but I'm sure he will know a thing or two about anal cancer. Having bloods done in the morning, rang the plebotomy dept to see if the results would be ready for my appointment, but she couldn't promise, but is writing urgent on them. I have to take HRT for vaginal dryness on and off, have noticed it's really sore at the moment, wondering if there's any connection, think I'm getting paranoid, lol. Think of me on Monday with my bottom up, not a pretty sight Joy, bet he'll be a young dishy bloke haha. My appt with my GP has just come up, have an eConsultation next Friday, so will have to wait another week, starting to feel exhausted about it all, but know I have to keep pushing on to get results. Catch up later, got to pick up hubby. Thanks again for all your support, means a lot xx

  • Hi Eirene (),

    Oh my goodness! I hope your hubby is ok! It never rains eh? so the old saying goes! Everything is made worse obviously in the current climate I’m presuming you’ll not have been able to accompany him to the hospital? 

    On the flip side that’s excellent news that you’ve heard about an appointment & yes you’re definitely seeing the right person, he will hopefully thoroughly examine the pesky polyp & lump & if needs be arrange a biopsy & you’re right I would hope he’ll have an idea of what he’s looking at. My bloods never showed up anything at all.

    I had to chuckle at the bit in your post about being concerned he’d be a young dishy bloke, I remember when I was first referred to the lower colon team from my GP, it was my first appointment & I didn’t know what to expect other than an internal examination so when I was greeted by a rather short, rotund older Dr I was a little relieved only to be asked was it ok if a very young, very good looking medical student (my description not his!) could sit in on my consultation (well you can’t really say no can you?) he then proceeded to invite him for a VERY close look at my bare behind whilst I lay partially dressed, knees tucked up on the bed!! After that I really didn’t care who saw it & I’d think it a little strange now if they didn’t want a look haha. 

    It really is a bit of a whirlwind at this stage so take a minute & try & catch your breath, things will fall into place, the important thing is that you’ve got this appointment for Monday. Take care.


  • Thanks Nicola, I'm laughing about the medical student, that's probably what will happen to me. You're right though as long they take a good look, they're doing their job and hopefully not missing anything. Hubby still at the hospital, they wanted to do more bloods, said to him he won't have any blood left, at least he's getting an overhaul. Picking him up later hopefully. Will let you know how I get on Monday. I can't believe how fast the appointment came, really impressed. Have a good weekend Hugging

  • Hi @Fun you do have a lot on your plate, I do hope your husband will be ok. Excellent that you’ve got your appointment through so soon, if you do see a colorectal surgeon he/she be able to check out the ‘lump’ as  says it may need a biopsy. Hope all goes well for you on Monday. Bev. 

  •  Hi Eirene, as my mum often says “please god, frighten me but don’t punish me”.  Hope things with your husband work out ok, you don’t need even more stress right now.

    Good luck on Monday, glad things are moving quickly now  xx  toni

  • Thanks 1in1. It's been a hectic day, hubby back in his chairGrin, all good tGod. I'm a little scared of Monday but at the same time pleased I'm being seen so quickly, so not complaining. Eirene

  • Today was exhausting Toni, but all turned out ok. Not sure what happy with him, a bit of enigma, but he's had lots of tests. Will let you know how it goes on Monday, my mood is up and down at the moment. Have a good weekend xx