First week of treatment

  • 12 replies
  • 38 subscribers

I read all your posts and am overwhelmed how strong you are. I've just started my treatment, a week in and I'm feeling crap. 

Firstly, the first few days were fine, chemo infusion and radio, even the pain seemed to subside and I felt 'you've got this'. But after just 5 sessions of chemo tablets and radiation it's not so. I don't know whether the radio is supposed to hurt but half way through it's like a knife, so painful. 

Second, I constantly feel sick but not actually sick to the point I can't enjoy my food in case I vomit. Theyve give me cream, anti sickness, which I havnt used yet and anti diohea 

Thirdly, the itching is insatiable. Its an itch I have to scratch. Then there's more pain and bleeding. 

Fourth, I have to travel quite far, taking around 5 to 6 hours every day. And I'm exhausted, just want to sleep all the time but then around 3 - 4am I'm awake.

I feel such a wimp complaining and I've only just started. I've never had to deal with anything like this and quite frankly I don't know how I will. I'm feeling so sorry for myself. And sorry for being a wimp. 

The 'I've got this I'm strong' seems to have vanished. I need a good kick up the posterior.

Thankyou for letting me moan 

  • Hi , no I don’t think you’re being a wimp at all!  If this was an easy trip, there’d be no need for this group, & I’d be giving anal cancer a 5 star review on TripAdvisorJoy

    Most of us have never had to deal with anything like this.  We get a bit better at dealing with it along the way because there isn’t any alternative.

    Pain & exhaustion batter away at your ability to cope; I’ve had most of the same symptoms as you & hated it, & just tried to get through one day at a time, sometimes just one minute at a time.  And I totally lost my sense of humour for several weeks

    Does the radio hurt during the actual treatment?  I’ve not heard that before - if so I’d suggest telling that to the radio staff & see what they say.

    You can get through this, and you will.  It’ll help if you stop feeling bad about feeling bad.  Take care  x  toni

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Toni8776

    Thankyou I don't know what I would have done without this group 

  • Hi  you’re entitled to feel sorry for yourself, this treatment isn’t exactly a walk in the park. I felt nauseated the first week too but the anti sickness tablets worked a treat so give them a go.   Yes the itching really is something else, apparently a Piriton hay fever tablet at night works they can be purchased over the counter. Do check first though with your treating team this is ok in relation to other medications you may be on. As  has said check with your radiologists if this pain is occurring during the actual radiotherapy. Please always feel free to come on here and offload, that’s what we’re here for. Bev x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to 1in1500

    I have felt a little better today. The sick feeling this morning I took a pill and within 15 mins felt much better. When I came home today I even managed to eat a small salad. So I suppose its each day as it comes.....thankyou

  • Wimp??? I don’t think so.... it can be tough! How you doing now? Have you managed to sort the things which were knocking you? Hope you are coping and got some help


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Bottom56

    Yes thankyou in a better place at the minute. I suppose its like a roller coaster, each day as it comes eh xx

  • Absolutely but there is light at the end. Today I have been given the all, all clear!! Keep going.... get that head strong!! Accidents are clean upable, sick pills work. Hard that journey though. I Huggingpe you’re not getting too many delays at treatment! I asked for early times to reduce the delays but I’m not far from the hospital. Feel free to ask any questions and moan we all can empathise and hHuggingefully help!! Hugging 

  • That’s excellent news @ Bottom56 ( Ruth). You must be so relieved! Bev x

  • Thanks Bev Ecstatic!! Phew..... 

  • That’s great news, congratulations Ruth!

    Your 10k steps challenge really inspired me & made me believe it was possible, & I’m now walking 10k or more most days.  Thanks againPray xx  toni