Naughty blog

  • 7 replies
  • 37 subscribers

Hello all you bottom sufferers. It is 3 years since I was diagnosed, followed by the usual round of chemo radiation. I do have some long term effects from the treatment, but 
I won’t go into that now. I had a colonoscopy this week & whilst hubby & I were trying to mop up the bathroom floor, ( those bloody sachets!) it brought back memories!  I had another look at my rather naughty blog. It takes you through each stage of the treatment. I tried to find a light side of the quite ridiculous situations we all find ourselves in. 

Please read, it might just help a bit. It is called Blogfromuranus. You can google it. You will need to scroll to the bottom(?) to when I  started In April. 

Hang on in there. It is worth it. I am cancer free.


  • Hi   I can well remember those sachets mixed with water that I had to drink before my colonoscopy. Lemon flavoured with a hint of salt. It was a wonderful clean out of my bowels, my stomach was so flat afterwards. I have read your blog which I enjoyed.  Hope the results of your colonoscopy are clear. Bev x

  • Hi Pam (),

    Yes you & I were diagnosed around about the same time, can you believe that was 3 years ago? I loved your blog! I hope the results from your colonoscopy are good, hope you don’t have to wait long for the results.


  • Thanks Sarah, I remember us going through it, or should I say having come through it at the same time. The time has gone quickly. Fortunately I am all clear, despite a few scares. You have been amazing in your ongoing support to all. You have helped so many people. I hope you are keeping well. Are you back at work? 
    best wishes, 

    Pam xx

    Lady Tourelle

  • Oh dear, I called you Sarah! I am sorry. I think the 3 of us were all the same time. I did mean Nikki! Brain fog! Amongst other things. Pam x

    Lady Tourelle

  • Hi Bev, 

    Good to hear from you. I’m pleased you enjoyed my blog. I am all clear. Breathe! Hope you are keeping well? 

    Pam xx

    Lady Tourelle

  • Haha don’t worry Pam, that’s great news that you’re all clear. Yes we were all on the same timescale, I still have contact with Sarah, she’s doing well & I am too thankfully, I went back to work part-time 5-6 weeks after I’d finished my treatment & I’ve continued to work right through the pandemic, it’s not been easy but thankful that I still have a job, so many people don’t right now!

    Thank you so much for your kind words, if I can make one persons journey here a little easier I’m happy as this forum & all of the people here were a lifeline, an absolute godsend to me in those early days.


  • Hi   yes I'm fine thanks, just had my 18 month check up and all was ok. It's good to hear from people further on down the road like yourself, take care, Bev x