Another Update Post Treatment

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  • 38 subscribers

Its me again! .. Hope your all getting on ok :o)

Just wanted to share this with you .. So after 3 longest weeks ever after my MRI scan,they called me Monday to say its nearly gone!! Just a tiny 1cm of something there,Oncologist thinks is probably scarring .. Just the best news ive ever had in my life!!

Another scan in May and check up in June with Surgeon(hopefully he will be able to tackle my mate Fred!! (Skin Tag) .. Will keep my posiitive head on til then!!

Love Sharon x

  • That’s great news , congratulations, yes keep your positive head on, as you know the radiotherapy continues working for sometime following the last session therefore hopefully all will be good come May/June & your surgeon will begin planning Fred’s demise!! I’m so pleased for you that you’ve had such good news. 


  • Hi  that’s excellent news! It is awful waiting for those scan results isn’t it. Please be reassured as  has said that the radiotherapy keeps working for some time after treatment, we have had quite a few on here whose tumour takes until the second scan to disappear completely. Bev x

  • Hi Sharon

    Thats great news! Remind me when did you finish your treatment? I’m waiting for my MRI and CT scan results at the moment. Should get this Friday. This waiting game is hard!! Apparently I may need examination under GA so it’s watch this space......


  • Hi Ruth,Thankyou!! I finished 20th Nov .. Will be thinking of you!! Xx