Body part

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  • 38 subscribers

Any advise on how to accept where the tumour is i find hard to think of it in this particilar part of my body plus the fact its rare i still cant accept or understand i have it here.Any advice on how to thinlk about the matter of where it is. Thanks

  • Hi ,

    I saw you had lots of response to your first post a couple of days ago so I didn’t jump on but I’ll take this opportunity to welcome you to the online community although I’m so sorry you find yourself here.

    I think it can be difficult accepting any cancer diagnosis & can take a very long time to accept that this is going on in your body but especially with something like anal cancer as it’s still quite rare, although unfortunately cases are on the rise, & is of a particularly personal nature. There can be stigmas attached to some cancers especially those of a personal nature but there is absolutely nothing to be ashamed of. Much of the information about anal cancer out there is outdated & I would advise if you’re going to do any reading then do it through a reputable site such as Macmillan, Cancer Research or there is now a U.K. branch of the Anal Cancer Foundation, you can guarantee you’ll be getting reliable information from all of these places.

    I remember thinking to myself after my diagnosis of all the places to get cancer I have to get there!!! In hindsight I’m extremely thankful that I was diagnosed early & that it’s one of the more curable cancers. I dealt with my diagnosis very privately although not because it was anal cancer I think this would have been the case wherever it had popped up, I’ve opened up a lot more to people over time since completing treatment etc., maybe it’s taken me this long to come to terms with having cancer at all! If talking to people is an issue for you then you really don’t need to explain the ins & outs of your cancer to anyone, if I’m speaking to anyone that is unaware that I’ve had cancer & they ask where I had it, which to be honest has been very few, I tell them it was bottom end & just let them assume the rest. My close family & friends knew about my diagnosis but as I say otherwise I dealt with it quite privately.

    This is a safe place for you to discuss any concerns you have though as you know we’ve all been where you are now. We’re a friendly bunch that seem to laugh more than we cry but we support each other whatever the issue & we’ll support you too. 


  • Thanks Nikki im trying to focus on what you said about it being curable where it is . I was looked after at first by bowel team so apart from very close people thats all the info they need. It is indeed a very hard thing to deal with just got to get through treatment and pray for good results. Regards Paul

  • There’s so much information to get your head around in the beginning  but you’re into your treatment now & those weeks will pass quickly & soon you’ll hopefully be on the road to recovery. I was told by both my surgeon & my oncologist that squamous cell carcinoma anal cancer is more akin to a skin cancer when compared to colon or bowel cancers & the treatment had good success rates, although I was diagnosed very early stages I know lots of people staged much further on that have had great results with this treatment & are back living their lives cancer free. Try & focus on those positives right now. I never thought in my wildest dreams that so many people would have viewed my bottom in the last 3 years!!… Meant to say if you click on my username you can read a little about me there, as you’ll see I’m almost 3 years post treatment & disease free to date, back doing all that I was before that awful day in February 2018!! There is life after this awful diagnosis & although the treatment can leave you feeling ropey it’s not as prolonged or as aggressive as some treatment plans, I was back to work part-time 5-6 weeks after my last treatment session. Please remember there’s lots of support here should you need it. 


  • Thank you so much thats really encouraging that youve got your life back which is what im so desperate for and great you were back working that quickly you have given me real hope. Regards Paul