Ups and downs

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  • 39 subscribers

My Last post was; feeling down! Thank you everyone for your encouragement and kindness. I have been reading just not up to any writing. I had the no 'poison' weekend and on Sunday all I did was eat...hungry all day....which was great. I must admit that the food hit my stomach like a brick and I was even more 'bunged up' than usual (penance) but it was great when it was going down. Monday came and poison and pain. I have a sore mouth now and getting sore bum and bits (no dignity now). Can I ask is it true that you can't have takeaways when you're on chemo? I don't have a hankering for one at the moment but my daughter and husband are always asking me when I don't feel like eating and sometimes McDonald's fries and a mcflurry come to mind.  I had to laugh on Monday... one of the nurses on my first day sent me to get bloods done and told me that Big Billy the phlebotomist was lovely. I only found out yesterday his name is Jeff!!! I'd been asking at reception for Big Billy the.... I haven't seen that nurse again but she has given me both a very 'red face' and a good belly laugh. Take care everyone x

  • Hi 

    Those weekends off treatment are great aren’t they? Although even now if I overindulge I can still feel a little ‘bunged up’ the following day! I don’t recall anyone saying I couldn’t eat certain foods while I was on chemo, I think with most people I know that have been through this treatment the only food restrictions have been self imposed & bowel related, especially if you have very little appetite eat what you fancy just so you’re getting something on your stomach.… The ‘Big Billy’ incident has made me chuckle, some of these nurses etc., have a pretty wicked sense of humour lol… hope this week passes quickly for you & you enjoy your ‘free’ weekend again. 


  • Hi , it really is a rollercoaster ride, isn’t it.  Glad you enjoyed food at the weekend.  OK, it’s cliché time.  A bit of what you fancy does you good.  Everything in moderation, even moderation.  Common sense is the rarest sense - ok, I just made up that one!

    I’m with  on this: “the only food restrictions have been self imposed & bowel related”.  I ate very little for a couple of months, partly due to pooing pain & partly cos it was too hard to find a comfy position to eat.  I lost 2 stone & im still struggling to keep above the minimum healthy BMI.

    I read lots of stuff about not eating spicy food or drinking coffee etc etc which made me wonder if those people had ever even tried a macchiato;)  But I did stop eating veg & fruit & wholemeal bread etc until the poo pain stopped.

    Hope this week goes better for you.  Toni  x

  • It’s really embarrassing to admit I put on a stone during my treatment! They told me to put on weight, which I did & did!  They told me at the final weigh in I was the only one they’d ever had who had put on weight! 
    Best Wishes 

    Lady Tourelle

  • Haha… , I love this, you were only doing as you were told! 
