Oncologist next week

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  • 37 subscribers

Good evening !! So my nurse has just phoned me and I’ve got my first meeting with my oncologist and surgeon next week.  Now ..I’m not panicking but just ever so slightly nervous like they are going to give me even more bad news ... I dont know why !! I’m assuming this is just the normal thought process ??? Linzey X x x 

  • Hi  yes it’s part of the normal thought process, when you’re diagnosed with cancer you just expect the worse case scenario. As every appointment approaches you wonder will there be more bad news? This does improve with time but it hasn’t yet totally gone away for me ( although I’d like to hope it may do further down the line). The appointment will be,I imagine,to give you details about your treatment plan, discuss your treatment and sign the consent forms for chemo. It may be quite a long appointment as there’s a lot to go through. Hopefully you may get a start date or an idea of when treatment should start. I took in a notebook to write information down as there’s a lot to take in, it’s easy to forget things. You should also meet the colo-Rectal nurse who you will be assigned to. It’s good that that things are moving! Bev x

  • Thanks Bev I was initially glad but then started thinking !!!! I’m just hoping none of this is going to be as bad as that day I first found out !!!!
    For the first time today my nurse seemed to give me just that glimmer of hope ( she phoned twice today ) she said how my stoma nurse would sort me out with a support belt and once I was all sorted out after treatment I could get back to riding my horses again . And also how they needed to be sure I was comfortable after my op as I’ve got a long slog ahead of me ... which is absolutely fine . Suppose really you just what someone to tell you that it’s not that bad and you will be okay . But for now the support belt and thinking about riding again will do me fine X x x 

  • Hi  reassurance and plenty of it is what’s needed after the horrible shock of a Big C diagnosis! All sounds positive from your nurse. You’ll hopefully be saddling up again before too long Bev x