Check up

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  • 39 subscribers

So had my 3 monthly check up yesterday (18 months ish post treatment) and all is well! Blimey though those check ups don't get any easier do they! I was a right wreck yesterday morning and had to dig deep to keep calm whilst in the waiting room.

I came away feeling really reassured though that the occasional bleeding, itching, pain, runny bum, constipation and really really smelly wind Grinis all part of the new normal - and all of which I can cope with to know that it's all fine, so hopefully I can start coping a bit better when these things do occur.

I had a really good chat with the nurse too about the vaginal dilators (still havent managed sex) and she's set me on a bit of a plan to go back to the drawing board and start using them properly again.  I know it sounds daft but I feel quite scared of my bits down there as everything seems to have changed. I know it's a mindset thing and hopefully will change with time

Anyway all is well and I can relax for a bit and wanted to say as always thank you to everyone who continues to support me when the anxiety takes over!!

Deb x 

  • Hi deb I’m linzey .. I can offer you absolutely no advice what so ever as I’m just past go on this road but what I can say is your incredible ... a true inspiration to someone like me and no doubt there will be a couple of people on here soon who always have  the right words to say X x x 

  • Hi ,

    That’s great that your check-up went well and that you came away with the reassurance that you needed. Unfortunately this ongoing anxiety is an unwelcome side effect of having any major health scare I think. I’m a little over 2.5 years post treatment & my oncologist has told me as I was diagnosed so early, had surgery followed by chemoradiotherapy as ‘mop-up’ treatment & now passing the 2 year mark that a culmination of all of these factors mean my chances of any recurrence are minimal he said my chances of being ‘cured’ & staying well are in the high 90%’s but if I have a bout of what you’re describing in your post e.g., soreness, itching, bleeding when having a BM (I’ve experienced all of these over the last week) that anxiety definitely gets the upper hand again! In hindsight, now things are settling down again I can rationalise it, I’ve had 10 days off work (my first proper time off since the pandemic began) & in the first couple of days I set to & got some pretty heavy jobs done in the house & possibly over did things & payed for it with this flare-up! 

    Reading other people’s experiences with the dilators consistency is key, I know exactly what you mean though about being afraid because things have altered, it’s something that’s not spoken about much but really should be. I’ve also heard of a couple of ladies that have been referred over to gynaecology if issues are ongoing. 


  • Hi good news about your check up! I have mine at the end of the month and it's fair to say I am not looking forward to it!  It does look like after radiotherapy these issues are par for the course. I had a flare up last weekend and of course the doubts started to creep in. Then things settled again but I had a really bad pain in my buttock earlier this week. Again, I was thinking what now, does this mean something sinister? The pain has now disappeared.  So all these little things keep cropping up and after our diagnoses of course we think the worse. I was also told that the chances of a reoccurrence are highest in the first two years but I think this hyper vigilance with health will be around for a while which is totally normal.  That is what is so valuable about this forum, that we can see others who are at the same stage as us or further on, who have the same issues and it makes it less frightening.   Onto the dilators, I use mine every week and built up from number 2 to number 4. I'm thinking of getting a couple of different ones, maybe made of silicone rather than the hard plastic ones we were given.  Psychologically  I think there's a hurdle to overcome and being tense makes them harder to use. It's very important to use lots of lube, I use 'Yes' which I get with my free prescriptions via my GP.  Bev x