A little update 12 weeks post treatment

  • 13 replies
  • 38 subscribers

Hi all .. I hope youre all coping ok? .. Just thought i would do a little update. So things are pretty much going along ok with a few ups and downs.i had a bit of a check up in January as ny other uninvited visitor (named it Fred!!),a skin tag almost the size of  a kidney bean was and is giving me problems,i really hope its not there to stay and i know there are more important things to worry about but you know what i mean.Anyway they didnt seem to worry about that too much and they did a little internal check and told me the lump was still there.i was so devasted.silly really because i know its still a way to go until final result (May sometime) First halfway scan 22nd Feb.

Since then its been up n very down days (The kind of days where your planning your own funeral etc!!).but have too say mostly up.

Couple of things have happened recently that tells im not out of the woods yet .. After a bad morning of diarrhea,,i risked a walk round the block,nothing strenuous but when i got back it felt like id had an accident,it was blood,first time thats happened since treament

Nearly had a catastrophe on Morrisons!! .. Thankfully only a teeny one,just came from nowhere .. Its knocked my confidence though.

A quick little question to end on .. I still cant wear normal knickers.groin gets irritated if i do.

Underbits can still feel slightly sticky at times,even my groin .. Then again that could be a Menopause and not radiation?

On the plus side ive had the Covid vaccine (Oxford)!!

Anyway sorry for ramblings and i do really hope your all getting on ok!!

Sharon x

  • Hi Sharon (),

    I’m sorry you still seem to be having issues but it’s still pretty early days yet. Is ‘Fred’ associated with your AC diagnosis? I’m probably not the best to advise on the diarrhoea front as uncommonly I swung the opposite way during & after treatment & struggled to go! 2.5 years post treatment I still get the odd bit of bleeding only when having a BM though & as mentioned on another post I’ve been told it’s most likely the new skin (internally) that splits on occasion (fissures). I know many people when they’ve has issues with diarrhoea have said it can go on for some time sporadically. I’m sure you’ll have been told that the radiotherapy continues working for some time following your last treatment so hopefully you’ll have more encouraging results at your next check-up. 

    You seem to have a few bits going on that are obviously causing you to worry, maybe put in a call to your specialist nurse if you have one or ask for a telephone consultation with either your oncologist or surgeon whoever’s care you are under at present & see if they can put your mind to rest a little as worrying really can take it’s toll. Great news that you’ve had your vaccination!! 


  • Hi  good to hear from you. Please don’t worry about the tumour not having gone. It’s common for it to take some months to completely disappear. As  has said the radiotherapy continues working after treatment has ended. We’ve had quite a few people find that their tumour hadn’t gone at their 3 month post-treatment scan only for it to have disappeared at their 6 month scan.   On the subject of diarrhoea, this is something I suffered from and still do on occasion. I also find I get sticky quite a lot & have mucous. These are the after effects of radiotherapy. Is your diarrhoea diet related or does it appear from nowhere? I had an unfortunate accident in the house when I was almost 1 year post treatment, it was through drinking red wine. I also had another accident about 3-4 months post treatment, in the house, no idea what caused it. It does knock your confidence. I wore double sanitary towels for the next few weeks when out and about, I found the proper incontinence pads too bulky to wear. Just keep an eye on your diet and reduce anything that may be causing the diarrhoea. Bev x

  • Hi Sharon 

    I’m just a bit behind you so always interested to hear what’s going on in your world! I too feel sticky and have the odd accident as urgency still there at times but is improving. I’m taking Normacol as prescribed by review radiographer which has certainly help my movements to become a bit more normal. Wear Tena pad to reduce disasters! But definitely improving though still painful every movement. 
    I also had a wobble last week when the consultant internally examined me and said 2cms still there!! I’ve parked that now due to the great advice on this site and realised that the radiation still working - can feel the itching going on so trying to be as positive as possible. I don’t think I had computed how long it goes on and how long it takes to all go. I stupidly asked what happens if it doesn’t all go! 
    I think I may have a couple of tags or hemeroids too - I’ll ask about those next visit. Have my first CT date for 16/3...... when’s yours?? 
    sending lots of positive thoughts and wishes 

    Ruth X 

  • Hi Nicola,Im still doing ok,think last week was just a blip.I dont really have too much diarrhoea normally and the bleed has only happened once .. Both have been mentioned to my Oncologist,they didint seem to concerned.

    This whole Cancer thing just messes with your mind sometimes.


  • Ps Fred started to make an appearance right after my colonoscopy .. He really isnt very attractive and i hope he isnt permanent but all in good time.


  • He needs to be given the boot !!! 

  • Hi Ruth Bottom56,Tena pads all the way from now on!! .. Most of the time i am positive,just sometimes you do feel very alone and scared with Cancer,no one else can completely understand and i dont expect them to .. Im so thankful to be here with you all for support.

    Ive asked that question Ruth and they wouldnt give me an answer until they know the final result around May time,Im guessing it would be an op or Stoma? is that what they told you?

    Im having my first MRI scan 22nd Feb .. Im fully expecting it to not be clear as ive heard they can usually still see a mass .. If its clear i will self combust with joy i think!!

    All good wishes to you!!

    Sharon x

  • Hi  Bev 1in500,Thankyou i do like to pop on and have a good old offload!! :0)

    I know, i really do try not to worry but god your mind just has other ideas sometimes.Ive already told myself it wont be gone when i have first scan.if it is it will be a huge bonus.

    Im not always sure where the slight sticky discharge is coming from,front or back,wherever its from it makes Fred itch like mad!! and strange stickiness in groin.maybe thats a new menopause sweat thing?

    Cooked onions are definately a culprit for terrible wind etc .. 

    Sharon x

  • It must be so difficult if you are by yourself. This community is a lifeline though. Yes the answer was op and a bag for life bt she was very positive that it should not come to that. Funny you have MRI and I have CT scan? They all do things slightly differently don't they. Be good to get it out of the way. Did you get the vaccine as you were considered vulnerable - my GP surgery don't consider me vulnerable!!! X