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Good morning all. I lost you with the site changing. 

I finished my treatment in June 2019. Can’t believe it is 2 years this year. I still have problems every 4-6 weeks when 
I have faecal incontinence & have to run! I have such pain on the toilet, sweating & feeling as if I am  going to pass out.  I strongly suspect it is probably 
IBS, as I had some symptoms before I was diagnosed. My MRI & CT scan were normal, & I’m waiting for a colonoscopy. Does anybody else still have problems after 2 years?

It will be good to make contact again.


  • Hi Pam (),

    I’m sorry to hear you’re having some ongoing issues but I’m pleased you’ve managed to find us again. 

    Can I ask has your Dr ordered the colonoscopy because of the pain & incontinence you’re experiencing?

    As you know I completed treatment in June 2018 which makes me a little over 2.5 years out of treatment & although different to your own I still have some ongoing issues too. Mine seem to be skin related, the external skin is pretty sensitive & prone to being quite rashy & I get bleeding every so often when I have a BM (I’m experiencing this at the minute again!) which I’ve been told isn’t unusual & is probably down to fissures, I’ve been told by my oncologist & surgeon that if the bleeding was extreme or I noticed any new lumps or bumps then that’s the time to worry. I was also told that when you get past 2 years NED your risk of any recurrence is reduced. I too had normal CT & MRI results in July last year although this doesn’t stop you panicking does it?  I mention my issues at every appointment but the answer is always the same. 


  • Hi   nice to hear from you. I completed treatment in August 2019 and still have episodes where I have urgency to go in a morning and bouts of diarrhoea. I do get sore from time to time. As has said this is due to the sensitive skin in our nether regions that has been radiated. When I get bouts of soreness I then find it hurts when I go to the toilet. I would mention this to your colo-rectal nurse when you next speak to them. It doesn't harm to just check. All the best, Bev.

  • Thank you both. It’s good to be in touch again. I have been referred because of a change in bowel habits ( bit better now!) and low abdominal pain. Reading further I came across Pelvic Radiation Disease, that seems to fit. Have you come across it? I also have a very painful hip, which my physio thinks is muscular, but treatment related. I suppose we never stop having the odd little concerns! I also have to accept that 
    I’m getting old! 

    Lady Tourelle

  • I’ve had hip pain in both hips on/off since treatment & I did wonder if it was pelvic radiation disease. It can cause hairline fractures apparently. Fortunately the pain isn’t there every day. I did have some hip pains before treatment but not as frequent which I put down to the peri-menopause or menopause. Like you say though we’re getting older and it’s hard to tell if these hip pains are age or radiation related. Bev x

  • Hi again Pam (), 

    I totally agree it doesn’t take much for those dark thoughts to start creeping in again does it? Nature of the beast I suppose! I’ve got hip pain, I had a touch of osteoarthritis in one hip prior to treatment but it’s both sides now & has definitely been accelerated by the radiotherapy, I also have sciatica that I’ve never suffered from before treatment. I’ve heard a little about pelvic radiation disease but need to do a little more reading on it. My BM’s can differ from day to day although I seem to go at the same time every day, it’s generally only once, I very rarely get diarrhoea & I think the variations I do get are possibly food related, Hopefully you’ll get your colonoscopy very soon & get some answers or at least have your mind put at rest as it can’t be much fun. 


  • Hi   I have had sciatica too since treatment, both sides. Fortunately it is not too frequent. I am going to mention my on/off hip pain when I have my check up at the end of the month.  I'm sure it's related to the radiotherapy. I will post with the advice given by my Oncologist. Bev 

  • Hi  yes my sciatica is a constant on the right side but only once in a blue moon thankfully on the left. My surgeon checked my scans in 2019 for damage to my hips & said it showed some wear & tear that had probably been accelerated by the radiotherapy & if it became too much he would refer me on to neurology & a pain clinic. I don’t know about you but my hips are so much better when I’m on the move but they seem to stiffen up as soon as I stop & sit & that’s where the pain kicks in! Yes please let me know what the response is from your Dr. 


  • Good to hear from Lady Tourelle (Pam) and I hope you are soon 'sorted'.

    I finished treatment July 2017 so no longer have scans, just appointments and examinations.   All have been fine, although last time I had a telephone appointment so no examination.   This should be happening next month.

    I still have little problems with BM's and soreness.    I have a good week to ten days then something changes.   At the moment I go one day, sometimes twice, then next day not at all.   After a week like this I seem to go back to every day!

    After a BM I often feel sore for a while and use Sudocrem.   Very little bleeding and no diarrhoea.

    Like Nikki I always mention this at my appointments but no one seems concerned and I am told my skin is very fragile after radiation.

    I'm 76 now and still reasonably fit and active so feel it is a small price to pay!

    I'm now getting anxious about my next examunation, that feeling never goes away!

    Good luck!

  • Hi Pam ()

    How are you doing? Have you heard anything about your colonoscopy yet? Hope you’re ok. 


  • Hi Nicola, thanks for getting back to me. Unfortunately I don’t seem to be logged into the group, so don’t get the mail. I hope I’ve sorted it now. I have the colonoscopy at the end of the month. I went to see a Pelvic Pain physio, she gave me exercises for the pain, which I already do nearly every day. I do yoga & Pilates. She was more concerned about my ‘ lady bits’ & soreness & sex life, which is almost non existent. I am more concerned about the pain around my hip. It is apparently muscular. I have had a stroke, which doesn’t help as the pain is the affected side. I guess it’s something have to live with. Brain haemorrhage, 2 spinal fusions & Anal cancer are not a good mix unfortunately! 
    Hope you are keeping well? 
    Best wishes,


    Lady Tourelle